A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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price (kasap ip†eri) seems to be fixed at fifty shekels per person (cf.,
e.g., EA 109 and EA 114), although other prices are attested (e.g.,
30 shekels and the abusive, and accordingly protested, 100 shekels
in EA 292).


In EA 270, Yanhamu, one of the Egyptian governors, demands from
Milkilu, ruler of Gezer, his wife and children as pledges for a debt
of two thousand shekels of silver. Under the famine conditions pro-
voked by war, the distressed heads of household among the popu-
lation had to sell their children into servitude, called “our sureties”
(qàtàtùnu) by Rib-Hadda in EA 74 (following Liverani’s restoration
qa-<ta>-tù-nu), as well as their household furnishings.
With regard to pledge, mention should be made of one of the
figurative expressions found in the Amarna vassal correspondence,
namely “like a cauldron (held) in pledge,” or literally “like a caul-
dron of debt (¢ubulli).” The expression occurs in two letters from
Gezer (EA 292 and EA 297) and is obviously meant to illustrate the
distressing conditions endured by the ruler and his population.


EA 112:43–47 relates how Rib-Hadda paid thirteen shekels of sil-
ver and a pair of cloaks as “the hire” (agrùtu) of one 'Apiru man to
bring his tablet to Íumur. Apparently, the hire of a man to send
messages was a common practice (see ll. 52ff.).

Crime and Delict

The word for “crime,” arnu, which is often found in the Amarna
vassal correspondence without further qualification, seems in this con-
text to refer to political treason.
In all likelihood, political treason was punished by death (see, e.g.,
the clear rhetorical question of Rib-Hadda to his lord in EA 85:14
discussed above). This seems to have been the fate of the rebel Abdi-
Ashirta of Amurru, after the pharaoh had sent his troops to seize
him.^11 And, indeed, this seems to be the fear of Aziru (and the rea-

(^10) See Liverani, “The Wife of Milki-ilu...”
(^11) See Na"aman, “Praises to the Pharaoh.. .,” 404f.
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