A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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son for his delay) when he is given an ultimatum to appear before
the pharaoh to respond to the accusations of Rib-Hadda. No doubt,
execution was supervised by the king himself and consisted in cut-
ting offthe head, as may be deduced from the eloquent passage of
the pharaoh’s ultimatum to Aziru in EA 162:35–38: “If for any rea-
son whatsoever you prefer to do evil (lemuttu), and if you plot evil
(and) treacherous plans (awàtu sarrùtu), then you, together with all
your family, will die by the king’s axe (haßßinnu “a “arri).”^12


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Mendelsohn, I. “On Corvée Labor in Ancient Canaan and Israel,” BASOR 167
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Moran, W.L. The Amarna Letters. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.
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——. “Praises to the Pharaoh in Response to His Plans for a Campaign to Canaan.”
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Virolleaud, Ch. “L’ancienne Qatna,” Syria8 (1927) 293–94.

(^12) Note that in EA 367, the pharaoh explicitly states that his planned military
expedition against Canaan is meant to cut offthe heads of the enemies of the king.
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