A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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One stela concerns the misappropriation of a mortuary endow-
ment (“acts of fraud”). The text includes an oracular decision, in
which two writings are placed before the god, who is to select one
of the alternative formulations.^299

  1. SI

9.1 Oracles

The oracular inquiry and decision are characteristic of the later New
Kingdom and the Third Intermediate period.^300 The questions may
revolve around legal, economic, or administrative matters.^301 The god
may be asked a question during a festival procession. In such cases,
the deity responds by nodding or withdrawing, this meaning assent
or dissent respectively (e.g., in the Banishment Stela). In the Dakhla
Stela, the prince in charge of the case orders the man claiming that
the well belongs to him: “Stand in the presence of (the god) Setekh
and [claim] it.”^302 The verdict of the god is expressed in the tradi-
tional form also used by “secular” judges: “PN is in the right.”^303 It
can also be that two written texts dealing with the same case, one
expressed in a positive fashion, the other negatively, are placed before
the god, who indicates approval of one of the two alternatives.^304

9.2 Letters to the Dead

P. Brooklyn 37.1799 E is a very late example of the genre of let-
ters to the dead.^305 A woman complains to a man, possibly her hus-
band, about wrongs committed against her by another individual.
This text is undated and may possibly be Saite period in date, and
not Twenty-fifth Dynasty.

(^299) Breasted, Ancient Records.. ., vol. 4, 325–33.
(^300) See Kruchten, Grand texte.. ., 22–35. Still excellent is ’ernÿ’s chapter on ora-
cles in Parker, Saite Oracle Papyrus.. ., 35–48.
(^301) Thus in the late New Kingdom, the god, Amun-Re, may confirm the appoint-
ment of a man to a significant office; a good example is Nims, “Oracle Dated...”
(^302) Gardiner, “Dakhleh Stela.. .,” 22.
(^303) Ibid.
(^304) E.g., Stela of Sheshonq (Breasted, Ancient Records.. ., vol. 4, 328).
(^305) Jasnow and Vittmann, “An Abnormal Hieratic Letter...”
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