A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

(Romina) #1

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9.3 Curses

Curses are common in Third Intermediate period texts.^306 A powerful
curse concludes, for example, the “will” of Iuwlot (Stèle de l’apanage),
which proclaims, among other things, that the wife of the wrong-
doer will be raped in his presence and his sons will become the
slaves of his enemy.^307


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(^306) Assmann, “When Justice Fails.. .,” 156. See Morschauser, Threat-Formulae...,
and Nordh, Curses....
(^307) Jansen-Winkeln, “Zu einigen religiösen.. .,” 255; see also, e.g., Meeks, “Borne.. .,”
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