588 Place Names, Subjects, Terms
London 347, 377n
Longevity of offices 166, 198, 207, 211, 213,
251, 257, 336, 339, 342, 346, 350, 366,
373, 393, 411
Lutheranism see Protestantism
Luxury 82–83, 167, 171, 204, 210, 257, 288,
293, 303, 306, 310, 312, 315, 320–322, 326,
349, 353, 367–368, 372, 418, 425, 430,
Maçin, battle of 330, 381, 415, 418
Maliki school of law 105–106
Malta 152
Mamluks 44, 47n, 65, 93, 101, 102, 104, 108,
111–112, 115, 125n, 126, 135, 441n
Manastir (Bitola) 373
Manisa 115–116
Manufacture 304, 330, 347, 356–357,
372–373, 409, 419, 425, 429
Market inspection 41, 96, 128, 151, 156, 250,
253, 339, 433
Market prices see narh
Maturidi school of theology 245, 246n
Mecca 65, 111, 162, 188, 260n, 322
Medina 65, 111
Medrese 51, 67–68, 73, 90, 97n, 105, 108, 118,
129, 136, 156, 159, 167, 173, 184, 229, 238,
241, 286, 298, 306, 371, 376, 449
Menteşe emirate 36
Merchants 41, 52, 89, 130n, 143, 167–168,
215, 237–238, 248, 262, 281, 310, 312, 315,
317, 320–322, 329, 355, 373–374, 409,
See also pillars of society
Messiah 99, 111
Mevlevi order of dervishes 239n, 242
Mező-Kerseztes, battle of 145–146, 177n
Midilli (Mytilene) 266n
Mildness 53, 70, 78, 126, 136, 181, 210, 224,
229, 256, 319, 434, 440
Military reform see Reform
Miri 436
miri land 32, 64n, 102–103, 108–110, 220,
247, 376
See also Landholding
“Mirrors for princes” 6, 7, 8, 23–24, 27,
45–46, 47, 48, 51–57, 59, 66–67, 72–74,
92–96, 129, 133, 137–139, 152, 156, 161,
180–181, 184, 186, 193, 209, 213, 303, 314n,
332–333, 340, 346, 359
See also adab tradition
Missolonghi 356
Modernity 5–6, 9, 10n, 16–21, 28, 83, 331,
367, 380, 382, 426, 428, 431, 460
Early 2, 4, 9–10, 14–21, 436, 459
Moldavia 183n, 184, 403
Monetarization 109–110, 143, 146, 187, 209,
282–284, 304
Monetary problems 145, 172, 175–176, 183,
196, 357–358
See also inflation
Money 79–80, 121, 154, 210, 215
Mongols 30, 47, 54, 87, 101, 111, 122–123, 161,
222, 441
Montenegro 357
Moral philosophy 23, 50, 66–98, 127, 129,
205, 285, 338
See also ethics
Morea (Peloponnese) 227n, 271, 280, 326,
329, 336, 346, 357–359
Moscow 178, 359
Mughal Empire 15n, 101, 458–459, 460n
Political thought 28, 458–459
See also India
Muhtesib see market inspection
Mukabele bi’l-misl 28, 372, 375, 377, 391,
399–400, 414, 420–421, 429, 431, 446,
Music 121, 237, 298
Müceddid 276
Mysore (India) 384
Nakşbendi order of dervishes 225, 242, 260,
370, 414, 430, 458
Namus-ı ilahi 79–80, 85
Narh 49n, 138, 168, 171, 215, 224–225, 229,
262, 307, 339, 364, 373, 402, 435
Efforts to abolish it 225, 272–274,
283–284, 336, 339n
Nationalism (national unity, national zeal,
etc) 377–378, 380, 383, 426–427
Neo-Aristotelianism 23, 28, 58, 66–98, 124,
171, 297, 388–389, 454
See also Aristotle
Neo-Platonism 65, 80, 134n, 171, 388
See also Plato