590 Place Names, Subjects, Terms
Reason 85, 131, 133, 182, 229, 289, 291–292,
303, 392, 405, 432, 435, 452
Reaya 70, 88, 140, 154, 168, 176, 182, 184, 196,
201–202, 204, 242, 263, 266–267, 291,
304, 339–340, 351, 353, 362, 439–440,
446, 451n
See also peasants
Reciprocity see mukabele bi’l-misl
Reform 8, 138, 211, 225, 257, 287, 293, 304,
317, 325, 328–329, 331, 344–345, 350,
361–362, 371, 378, 381, 383, 388, 409–413,
428–431, 455
Financial 287, 326, 331, 333, 342, 370, 372,
375, 443
Military 27–28, 326, 328, 330–331, 333,
345, 347, 349, 361, 365, 375, 385, 389,
393, 397, 400, 403, 410–412, 448, 455
Sunna-minded 226, 259, 264, 361
tax 223, 225, 283–284, 331, 342
Westernizing 361, 365, 376, 384–431
See also Westernization
Registers 199, 215, 218–219, 265n, 266, 283n,
284, 328, 352, 412, 428, 435
Rhodes 64, 99
Roma (Gypsies) 196, 201–203
Rome 64, 99, 178, 222, 260, 296
Ancient 395
Rumili 34, 164, 184, 195, 211, 220, 255, 305,
336, 351, 355, 357
See also Balkans
Russian Empire 15, 87, 281, 328–330, 332,
344, 345, 348, 357, 359, 362, 364,
366–367, 372, 375, 381–383, 397, 402,
404–405, 409, 413, 415–419, 459n
Safavid Empire 13, 65, 71, 73, 85, 87, 99–100,
111, 125, 130, 144–145, 188–189, 245, 327,
404, 457–459
Salafism 26, 233–236, 245, 248, 261, 278,
456–457, 459
Samanids 248
Samsun 346
Saruhan emirate 36
Sassanid dynasty 6, 68
Tradition 46
Sciences, taxonomy of 75–76, 96–97, 127
Scribes 45, 89, 129–131, 133–134, 136, 142–143,
150, 155n, 166, 172, 176, 198–199, 203,
207, 212, 214, 219–221, 223, 225, 228,
258–259, 277, 284–287, 308, 312–313,
320, 331, 336–337, 342–343, 346, 350,
365, 367, 370, 373–374, 409, 440, 452
See also bureaucracy; inşa
Secularization 114, 390, 409, 426, 428
Secular law see sultanic law
Seljuks, Great 111, 456
Seljuks of Rum 29, 30, 32, 44, 60–61
Sened-i ittifak 371n, 379, 382–383, 453
Serbia 29, 63, 129, 281, 328
Serbian uprising 383
Shafi’i school of law 106, 126, 127n
Sharia 24, 25, 38, 58, 85, 90n, 92, 94, 101–104,
106–112, 114–116, 118, 120, 122–123, 125,
142, 148, 159, 164, 169–170, 174, 186, 191,
196, 200, 225–226, 229, 233, 239–240,
246–249, 252–253, 255–256, 258–268,
271–274, 276, 284, 289–291, 303–306,
308, 324, 336, 350, 367, 371, 384, 392,
405, 428, 430, 435, 441, 443–445, 456,
Shi’a 65, 85, 99, 111, 113, 125, 245, 457
Shirvan 145, 161
Sipahis 140, 143, 145–146, 153, 155, 157, 159,
169, 170, 172–173, 176, 186, 193, 201,
203–205, 209, 211, 213, 217, 302, 353–355,
436, 451
Numbers 178, 196
Rebellions 145, 189, 279–280, 284n, 453
See also timar system
Sivas 195, 220, 240, 346
Skopje 191
Social mobility 11, 166, 168, 173, 192, 203, 206,
238, 326, 340, 374, 449–451
Society, components of see pillars of society
Sofia 241
Softa 145
Solar years and difference with lunar 223,
Soul, theory of 67–69, 72, 76–78, 121–122,
Spain 178, 345, 347, 358–360, 362, 377, 391n,
395, 401, 415
Sparta, ancient 389
Stage theory (Ibn Khaldun’s) 26–27,
287–288, 290–291, 295–296, 302,
305–315, 317, 319, 322, 325, 333, 348–349
al-Dihlawi’s (Mughal) 458–459