The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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posts which became vacant before it was proclaimed will be filled exceptionally and
once only by appointment decided by the would-be government of national accord.

  1. With the election of the first legislature on a national and not a sectarian basis
    a senate will be created and it will represent all the spiritual families. Its prerogatives
    will be restricted to fateful issues.

B. The President of the Republic

The president is the head of state and symbol of national unity. He ensures respect for
the Constitution and protection of the independence of Lebanon and its territorial
integrity and safety. He is the supreme commander of the armed forces which are under
the authority of the Council of Ministers. The president has the following powers:

  1. He presides over the Council of Ministers when he wishes and without voting.

  2. He presides over the Supreme Defense Council.

  3. He issues decrees and requests their publication. He has the right to ask the Coun-
    cil of Ministers to reconsider any decision it makes within 15 days of his installation [as
    heard] as president of the republic. If the Council of Ministers insists on the decision
    made or if the deadline has lapsed without the publication or reconsideration of the
    decree the decree or the decision is considered legally valid and must be published.

  4. He issues laws according to the deadlines defined in the Constitution and
    requests their publication after they are ratified by the legislature. He is also entitled—
    after informing the Council of Ministers—to request that laws be reconsidered within
    the deadlines defined in the Constitution and in accordance with its provisions. If the
    deadlines have expired and these laws have not been published or reconsidered, the
    laws become legally valid and must be published.

  5. He refers draft bills which are submitted to him by the Council of Ministers
    to the legislature.

  6. He nominates the prime minister after consulting the speaker of the legislature
    on the basis of binding parliamentary consultations whose results are formally con-
    veyed to him by the speaker.

  7. He issues a separate decree nominating the prime minister.

  8. He issues—with the agreement of the prime minister—the decree for the for-
    mation of the government.

  9. He issues the decrees on accepting the resignation of the government or the
    resignation of ministers or their dismissal.

  10. He accredits ambassadors and accepts their credentials and awards state medals
    by decree.

  11. He is in charge of negotiations on the signing of international treaties and
    signs these treaties with the agreement of the prime minister. These treaties will only
    be in force after approval by the Council of Ministers. The government informs the
    legislature about these treaties when the country’s interest and the state’s safety allow
    it. The treaties which concern state finances, commercial treaties, and other treaties
    which cannot be abrogated year after year cannot be signed until they are approved
    by the legislature.

  12. When needed, the president sends letters to the legislature.

  13. He calls on the legislature—with the agreement of the prime minister—to
    hold extraordinary sessions by decree.


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