The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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  1. The president of the republic has the right to submit any urgent matter to the
    Council of Ministers through its agenda. [as heard]

  2. He calls for an extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers whenever
    he deems it necessary with the agreement of the prime minister.

  3. He grants private pardons by decree.

  4. The president of the republic cannot be prevented from carrying out his func-
    tion except when he violates the Constitution or in the case of high treason.

C. The Chairman of the Council of Ministers

The chairman of the Council of Ministers is the head of government and represents
the latter, speaks on its behalf, and is considered to be responsible for the execution
of the general policy adopted by the Council of Ministers. He exercises the following

  1. He presides over the Council of Ministers.

  2. He holds legislative consultations to form the government and signs with the
    president of the republic the decree of its formation. The government has to present
    to the parliament its ministerial statement [as heard] in order to win its confidence
    within a deadline of 30 days. The government cannot exercise its powers before win-
    ning confidence nor after its resignation. It will also be considered dissolved only in
    the strict sense to enable it to expedite remaining business.

  3. He submits the government’s general policy before the legislature.

  4. He signs all decrees except the decree nominating the head of government and
    the decree accepting the resignation of the government, which dissolves it.

  5. He signs decrees requesting the opening of an extraordinary session, decrees on
    the publication of laws, and requests for their reconsideration.

  6. He calls for a meeting of the Council of Ministers and draws up its agenda and
    informs the president of the republic in advance about the topics included in the
    agenda and the urgent topics which will be discussed. He also signs the usual minutes
    of the sittings.

  7. He follows the activities of the public administration and public enterprises and
    coordinates between the ministries. He also gives general directives to ensure the good
    functioning of the work.

  8. He holds working sessions with the state’s competent authorities in the pres-
    ence of the competent minister.

  9. He is by law deputy to the chairman of the Supreme Defense Council.

D. The Council of Ministers

Procedural powers are entrusted to the Council of Ministers. Among the powers exer-
cised by the Council of Ministers are the following:

  1. Lay down the general policy of the state in all domains, draw up draft laws and
    decrees, and make the decisions necessary for their implementation.

  2. Attend to the execution of the laws and official ordinances and supervise the
    activity of all the state’s apparatuses, including the administrations, the civil, military,
    and security institutions without exception.

  3. The Council of Ministers is the authority which the armed forces obey.

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