The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1
aa. The president,
bb. The speaker of the legislature,
cc. The prime minister, and
dd. A certain percentage of deputies.
d. To secure the principle of harmony between religion and state, the heads of
Lebanese sects have the right to consult the constitutional council concerning:
aa. Personal statutes,
bb. The freedom of belief and to practice religious rites,
cc. Freedom of religious education.
e. To consolidate the independence of the judiciary, a certain number of the mem-
bers of the Supreme Judicial Council should be elected from the Judiciary.

  1. The law on legislative elections:
    Legislative elections should be conducted according to a new elections law on the basis
    of provinces which takes into consideration the bases which secure coexistence for the
    Lebanese and secure the correctness of effectiveness of the political representation for
    all sectors and generations of the people. This is after reviewing the administrative divi-
    sions within the framework of the unity of the land, people, and institutions.

  2. Formation of the Economic and Social Council for Development:
    An economic and social council should be formed to secure the participation of the
    representatives of the various sectors in drafting the economic and social policy of the
    state through consultations and submitting proposals.

  3. Education:
    a. Providing education for everyone, and making it compulsory, at the primary
    age at least.
    b. Stressing the freedom of education according to public laws and regulations.
    c. Protecting private education and consolidating the state supervision of private
    schools and school textbooks.
    d. Reforming official, vocational, and technical education and consolidating and
    developing them to achieve cohesion and spiritual and cultural development and
    growth. Standardizing the books in the subjects of history and national education.

  4. The Media:
    Reorganizing the media under the law and within the framework of responsible free-
    dom to serve reconciliation tendencies and ending the state of war.

Second. Extending the Sovereignty of the Lebanese State over All
Lebanese Territory

In view of the fact that agreement has been reached among the Lebanese parties on
the establishment of a strong and capable state based on the principle of national
accord, the national accord government will lay down a security plan for 1 year, the
objective of which will be to extend the authority of the Lebanese state gradually over
all Lebanese territory with the aid of its internal forces, the broad outlines of which
are as follows:

  1. Declaration of the dissolution of Lebanese and non-Lebanese militia, and their
    weapons to be handed to the Lebanese state within 6 months, starting after the endorse-
    ment of the National Accord document, the election of a president, and the formation
    of a national accord government, and constitutional endorsement of political reforms.


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