The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

  1. Consolidation of internal security forces by:
    a. Opening the door of voluntary conscription to all Lebanese without exception,
    beginning their training centrally, and then allocating them to unity in the gov-
    ernorates. They should also be attached to periodic and regular training courses.
    b. Strengthening the security apparatus in a way that would conform to control-
    ling the entry and exit of people across the border by land, sea, and air.

  2. Consolidating the Armed Forces:
    a. The basic duty of the armed forces is to defend the homeland, and when nec-
    essary protect public order when the danger exceeds the abilities of the inter-
    nal security forces to deal with it on their own.
    b. The armed forces are used to support the internal security forces in preserving
    security in circumstances decided by the Council of Ministers.
    c. The armed forces should be united, prepared, and trained to be able to shoul-
    der their national responsibilities in confronting Israeli aggression.
    d. When the internal security forces are ready to shoulder their security duties,
    the armed forces should return to their barracks.
    e. Military intelligence should be reorganized to serve military purposes and noth-
    ing else.

  3. The problem of the Lebanese evacuees should be radically solved and the right
    of every Lebanese evacuee since 1975 to return to the place from which he was evac-
    uated should be guaranteed. Legislation to secure this right and to secure the neces-
    sary means for reconstruction of destroyed places should be issued.
    Since the goal of the Lebanese state is to extend its authority over the entire
    Lebanese territory by means of its own forces represented primarily in the forces of
    internal security, and owing to the fraternal relations existing between Syria and
    Lebanon, the Syrian troops will graciously assist legitimate Lebanese forces to extend
    the authority of the Lebanese state within a limited period of time not exceeding 2
    years after the ratification of the national accord document, the election of the presi-
    dent of the republic, the formation of a national accord government, and the confir-
    mation of political reforms in the Constitution.
    At the end of this period, the Syrian Government and the Lebanese Government
    of national accord will decide on the redeployment of Syrian troops in the al-Biqa’
    region and the entry to the western al-Biqa’ at Dahr al-Baydar to the line al-
    Mudayrij–‘Ayn Darah, or if need be at other points to be determined by a joint
    Lebanese-Syrian military committee. The two governments will also agree to deter-
    mine the number of Syrian troops to be deployed in the aforementioned areas and to
    define the nature of the relationship between these troops and the authorities of the
    Lebanese state in the areas where they will be deployed. In this respect, the higher
    Arab tripartite committee is prepared to assist the two states to reach such an agree-
    ment if they so wish.

Third. Liberating Lebanon from the Israeli Occupation

Restoring state sovereignty up to the international borders with Israel requires the fol-

  1. Working toward the implementation of Resolution No. 425 and all the UN Secu-
    rity Council’s resolutions specifying the complete removal of the Israeli occupation.

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