The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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integrity of the Islamic Republic of Iran has now gained unprecedented dimensions,
bringing other countries into the war and even engulfing innocent civilians.
The killing of 290 innocent human beings, caused by the shooting down of an
Airbus aircraft of the Islamic Republic of Iran by one of [the] American warships in
the Persian Gulf is a clear manifestation of this contention.
Under these circumstances, Your Excellency’s efforts for the implementation of
Resolution 598 is of particular importance. The Islamic Republic of Iran has always
provided you with its assistance and support to achieve this objective. In this context,
we have decided to officially declare, that the Islamic Republic of Iran—because of the
importance it attaches to saving the lives of human beings and the establishment of
justice and regional and international peace and security—accepts Security Council
Resolution 598 [as received].
We hope that the official declaration of this position by the Islamic Republic of
Iran would assist you in continuing your efforts which has always received our sup-
port and appreciation.

SOURCE: Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Near East and South Asia, July 18, 1988, 44–45.


Khomeini Statement on

the Cease-Fire with Iraq

JULY20, 1988

.. .The acceptance of the resolution [598] was truly a very bitter and tragic issue for
everyone, particularly for me. Up to a few days ago I believed in the methods of defense
and the stances announced in the war. I saw in its implementation the interest of the
system, the country, and the revolution. However, due to some incidents and factors
which, for the time being I will refrain from elaborating on and which—God will-
ing—will be made clear in the future, and in view of the opinion of all the high-
ranking political and military experts of the country, whose commitment, sympathy and
sincerity I trust, I agreed with the acceptance of the resolution and the cease-fire. At
this juncture I regard it to be in the interest of the revolution and of the system. God
knows that had it not been for the motive whereby all of us, our honor and credibil-
ity, should be sacrificed in the interests of Islam and the Muslims, I would never have
agreed to this issue. Death and martyrdom would have been more bearable to me. What
is to be done? We should all submit ourselves to the pleasure of Almighty God. Cer-
tainly the valiant and heroic Iranian nation has been and will remain this way.
I hereby express my thanks and appreciation to all my beloved children on the
fronts of fire and blood, who, from the start of the war until now, have in some way
endeavored and labored in connection with the war.


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