The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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and the real source of political power. Combating violence, torture and mistreatment
of the citizens is one of the main reasons for the legitimacy of our government and

Foreign Policy
Our foreign policy is based upon the principle of non-interference, peaceful reso-
lution of disputes, acceptance of national sovereignty and national integrity of
countries. Afghanistan is committed to the Charter of the United Nations, Inter-
national Declaration of Human Rights, and all other international bilateral
and multilateral treaties. Our policy of friendship and cooperation with all coun-
tries is based on respect to our national sovereignty and integrity. The reality of
this new world is that it is shrinking day by day. In such a world, time and place
take on a different meaning. Cultures are coming closer. In such a world, the for-
eign and domestic policies of the countries should be based on existing realities.
We do not want to live in an isolated civilization and consider other cultures as
foreign and enemy. Rather, we would like to consciously find our place in this
globalizing process.
Today, Afghanistan is a country where countries of different cultures and beliefs
are cooperating with each other in its reconstruction. From my perspective, this is the
cooperation of the civilizations. The collaboration of international community in the
peace-building and reconstruction process in our country is a magnificent experience
for strengthening co-existence and understanding among us all. This is a historic
opportunity for us to compile lessons of this experience and present them to the global
Our foreign policy is founded based on the following three principles: formidable
loyalty to the family of Islamic countries, strategic cooperation with the Western coun-
tries, loyalty to continued friendship and belief in vital common interests with the
countries of the region.
The convention of the London conference [a conference planned for January 2006
to deal with Afghanistan’s development needs] with the objective of continuation of
international assistances as the Bonn process is over is of paramount importance to
our country. Afghanistan has the determining role in setting the agenda and discus-
sions in this conference....

Distinguished parliamentarians and representatives of the people,
The success of the Afghan people in the last few years is the output of sacrifices and
aspirations of our people for a country based on peace and international support. Our
people honestly and sincerely began to defend their country’s reconstruction, national
government and strengthening stability for which the international community offered
cordial support. I take the opportunity to express my gratitude and thankfulness to all
the countries and organizations which have always stood by our people in such diffi-
cult situations.

Distinguished members of the National Assembly,
We want to guide our country towards the contemporary world civility. We want to
found a progressive country based on the wishes of our people. To have a strong secure


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