The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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and peaceful Afghanistan with vibrant economy is the historic task that we have under-
taken in the court of God, history and our people. To discharge this noble duty, we
need honesty, sacrifice and concerted efforts. We will not be able to do our duty if
we do not consider the love of our country and religion superior to anything else. We
aspire that our black, red and green flag will always be fluttering throughout
Afghanistan. We aspire that our people with full abandonment of ethnic and regional
prejudice will remain united as the citizens of this Republic in the reconstruction and
development of this great land.
We Afghans have the right to stand with full dignity and self-confidence in front
of the people of the world and say that this immortal phoenix, this beloved
Afghanistan, once again rose from the ashes of invasion and subjugation; we have the
right to declare to all those who aspire the destruction of our soil, that this country
will never vanquish.

May God bless you all.

SOURCE:Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Embassy of Afghanistan in Canada, “Speech of H.E. Hamid Karzai
at the Opening Session of the Parliament of Afghanistan,”

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