The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

Great Britain
Afghanistan, geopolitical interest in,
Arab independence movement and, 8–9
invasion of Iran, 376
Iraq and, 417
Iraq War and, 487
Israel, recognition of, 69
League of Nations mandates, 5–6
Palestine and colonialism, 25–27
Persian Gulf War, 457
Suez crisis, 80–83
Sykes-Picot Agreement, 13–14
U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and
background, 599
Blair statement, 606–608
“Great Game” (geopolitical contest
between Britain and czarist
Russia), 565
invasion of Turkey, 631
Treaty of Sèvres, 631
withdrawal from Turkey, 632
Greek-Turkish War (1921-1922), 43,
Green Line, 332
Grey, Edward, 14–16
Gromyko, Andrei, 572–574
Guantanamo Bay, 616
Gul, Abdullah, 642, 648
Gulf War. SeePersian Gulf War
Gursel, Cemal, 640
Gush Emunim, 180, 259
Gush Etzion, 179

Ha’aretz, 367
Habib, Philip, 335
Haddad, Saad, 334
Haganah, 57, 68
al-Hakim, Ayatollah Muhammad Bakir,
Halutz, Dan, 367
See alsoCamp David pace process
al-Aqsa intifada, 156, 166, 276–281,
287–289, 318

cease-fire withdrawal, 300
Fatah conflict, 167
first intifada and, 192
background, 205–206
Covenant excerpts, 206–213
government majority
background, 317–320
platform, translation of statement, 321
Zahar letter to Annan seeking
support, 322–323
Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, 206
legislative elections, victory, 167, 307,
315, 318
Oslo Accords, reaction to, 217
PLO crackdown, 269
resistance against Israel, 157
“roadmap” for peace, 318
Hamilton, Lee H., 534
Haniyeh, Ismail, 319, 320
Harakat al-Muqawaama al-Islamiyya. See
Haram al-Sharif complex. SeeTemple
Mount/Haram al-Sharif
Hariri, Rafiq, 329, 346, 359–360
Hariri, Saad, 360
Hashimite dynasty. SeeJordan
Hawi, George, 361
Hebron Protocol
background, 259–260
text, 261–267
Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin, 593
evolution of, 329–330, 336–337, 355
parliamentary elections, participation, 360
payments to Beirut residents, 367
Hizballah-Israeli War
background, 346, 364–367
overview, 329–330
UN Security Council Resolution 1701
passage, 367
text, 368–371
Hobeika, Elie, 344
al-Hoss, Selim, 345
Hostage crisis. SeeUnited States, Iranian
hostage crisis


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