The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

October 1973 War (continued)
passage, 115
text, 115
embargo by OAPEC, 114–115
Iran, 6, 376, 379
Iraq oil-for-food program. SeeIraq
Olmert, Ehud, 315, 367
Omar, Mullah Mohammad, 594, 599
Operation Desert Fox, 475
Operation Desert Shield
background, 444
Fahd’s statement, 449–450
Operation Desert Storm
background, 456
commencement, excerpts from Bush
(G. H. W.) televised address,
suspension of combat, excerpts from
Bush (G. H. W.) televised
address, 464–465
Operation Peace for the Galilee, 335
Opium poppies, 594
Organization of the Islamic Conference, 570
Organization of the Arab Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OAPEC),
Oslo Accords
Arafat letter to Holst, 219
Arafat letter to Rabin, 218
background, 143, 176, 213–217
Cairo Agreement
background, 215
text, 230–241
Declaration of Principles on Interim
Self-Government Arrangements
background, 143, 214
text, 220–230
Hebron Protocol
background, 259–260
text, 261–267
Interim Agreement on the West Bank
and the Gaza Strip (Oslo II)
background, 215–216
text, 241–259
overview, 40, 167
Rabin letter to Arafat, 219–220

Ottoman Empire
Arab revolt, 4, 9
division of, 13–14
Iraq and, 417
Lebanon and, 325
Palestine mandate, 25–27
Paris peace conference, 20
Turkey and, 631–632
Ozal, Turgut, 641

Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza, 376
Pahlavi, Reza Khan, 6, 121, 375–376
Interservices Intelligence, 581
mujahidin, support of, 580–581
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and, 570
Taliban, relationship with, 567, 598
U.S. invasion of Afghanistan
background, 581
Musharraf speech on request for
cooperation, 602–604
See alsoPalestine Liberation
Organization (PLO); Partition
of Palestine
April 1920 riot, 6–7
autonomy, 121
British control, 5, 25–27, 42
British withdrawal, 67
Jewish homeland in. SeeZionism
Jewish Immigration
restrictions, 44
Truman position, 58
violence as result of, 37
Zionist conference position, 57
Zionist plans, 42
Jewish settlers and, 37, 42
Jordan sovereignty over Palestinians,
League of Nations mandate
background, 25–27, 42
Balfour Declaration and, 24
passage, 27
San Remo conference terms,
text, 27–33


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