The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

background, 43, 56–59
overview, 38, 166
Palestine Partition Commission, 44
rights of Palestinian people, 116,
119, 277
Passfield White Paper, 42–43
White Paper (July 1922), 26
White Paper (May 1939), 44, 56
Palestine Conciliation Commission, 72,
Palestine Liberation Organization
(PLO). See alsoFatah; specific
agreements with Israel
Arab League membership, 49
Arab League recognition
background, 185–186, 200–201
Rabat summit declaration, 186–187
boycott of Egypt, 119
equal treatment at peace conferences,
establishment, 94
Jordan and, 143, 185
national movement, 169–170
Unified National Leadership
Command of the Intifada, 191
use of Lebanon for raids into Israel, 40,
131, 328, 331, 334–335
Palestine National Council, 169–170, 269
Palestine National Liberation movement,
Palestine Royal Commission. SeePeel
Palestinian Authority
Abbas, Mahmoud
first address as president, 307–312
as president, 306–307
as prime minister, 299
background, 167, 216, 217, 279
overview, 167
suspension of international aid,
Palestinian Legislative Council
background, 216, 217
Hamas participation, 167, 307, 315
Palestinian National Charter
background, 169

passage, 170
text, 170–174
Pashtuns, 567
Peacekeeping operations
International Security Assistance Force,
Lebanon, multinational force
background, 339–340
Reagan address to nation, 341–343
Reagan statement, 343–344
Taliban resurgence and, 616–617
UNIFIL, 334, 355, 366
UNIFIL II, 366–367
United Nations Emergency Force
(UNEF), 95
Peel, Robert, 43, 44
Peel Commission
background, 27, 42–44
Official Summary excerpt, 45–48
overview, 38
Peres, Shimon
Hebron withdrawal, halt of, 259
Kadima Party and, 315
Oslo Accords and, 213–215
as Rabin’s successor, 217
West Bank settlers and, 180
Peretz, Amir, 367
Pérez de Cúellar, Javier, 433, 438, 456
Persia. SeeIran
Persian Gulf War
aftermath, 465–467
UN Security Council Resolution 687
background, 466–467, 473
passage, 467
text, 468–483
UN Security Council Resolution
688, 466
Arab-Israeli relations, 40–41
background, 138, 455–458
diplomacy, 456
Iraqi attacks on Israel during, 456–457
Iraqi invasion of Kuwait
Arab League, impact on, 49, 445
background, 437, 439, 443–445,
Hussein announcement of
withdrawal, text, 462–464

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