The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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Rafsanjani, Ali Akbar Hashemi, 381
Rantisi, Abd al-Aziz, 206
Reagan, Ronald
first intifada and, 192
Gorbachev summit, 582
intervention in Iran-Iraq War,
Iranian hostage crisis, 385
Israeli settlement freeze, 181
Middle East peace plan (1982)
background, 131–132
televised speech, 132–136
mujahidin, support of, 581
Palestinian peace plan (1993), 40
Reformism, 637
Armenian genocide, 629
Fatah supporters, 320
Exodus-1947, 58
Hizballah-Israeli War, 365
Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, 443
Iraq War, 533
Johnson peace plan and, 104
Palestinian Arabs, 38, 68, 72–73, 97, 185
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 582
Turkish Kurds, 466
See alsoIslamists; Muslims
Jewish homeland in Israel. SeeZionism
Lebanon and, 327–329, 331–332
Turkey and, 627–628, 637
Republicanism (Turkey), 637
Revolutionism (Turkey), 637
Rice, Condoleezza, 318, 366
Riyadh Conference
background, 332
Statement excerpts, 332–334
“Road map” for peace
background, 111, 298–300, 318
text, 300–305
Roed-Larsen, Terje, 355
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 57
Roosevelt, Kermit, 385
Ross, Dennis, 277–278
Rubin, Barnett, 581
Rudman, Warren B., 289
Rumsfeld, Donald H., 489

Russia, 565
See alsoSoviet Union

al-Sabah, Amir Jabir al-Ahmad, 443
Sabra and Shatila massacres, 336
al-Sadat, Anwar
assassination, 121, 142
Egyptian-Israeli peace agreement,
118–121, 142, 167
overview, 39
peace negotiations, 110
October 1973 War, 112
al-Sadr, Ayatollah Muhammad Bakr, 424
al-Sadr, Muqtada, 528
SALT II Treaty, 570
Samarra shrine bombing, 533
Samuel, Herbert, 25
San Remo conference, 25–26
ibn Saud, Abd al-Aziz, 6, 9
Saudi Arabia
Operation Desert Shield
background, 444
Fahd’s statement, 449–450
post–World War I, 6
Schlaim, Avi, 110
Shultz, George, 192, 433
Secularism. SeeTurkey
September 11, 2001, attacks
Iraq War and, 487, 505
overview, 567
U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, 598
Sezer, Ahmet Necdet, 642
Shabaa Farms, 355
Shamir, Yitzhak
Greater Israel policy, 213
Madrid conference, 138–139
Palestinian autonomy plan, 175–176
Reagan peace initiative, opposition to,
Shanab, Abu, 300
Sharm el-Sheikh Fact Finding
Committee. SeeMitchell
Sharm el-Sheikh summit, 276, 279
Sharon, Ariel
al-Aqsa intifada and, 277–278

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