The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

Persian Gulf War(continued)
Hussein message on Kuwait invasion
and international response,
overview, 419
UN Security Council Resolution 660
background, 444
passage, 446
text, 446
UN Security Council Resolution 661
background, 444
passage, 446
text, 447–448
UN Security Council Resolution 665
background, 444
passage, 446
text, 450–451
UN Security Council Resolution 678
background, 444
passage, 446
text, 454–455
U.S.-Soviet statement, 453–454
Operation Desert Shield
background, 444
Fahd’s statement, 449–450
U.S.-led invasion
background, 457–458
commencement, excerpts from Bush
(G. H. W.) televised address,
Operation Desert Storm
background, 456
commencement, excerpts from
(G. H. W.) televised address,
suspension of combat, excerpts
from Bush (G. H. W.) televised
address, 464–465
The Persian Puzzle(Pollack), 397
Phalange militia, 328, 336
Phalange Party, 331
Picot, François Georges, 4, 13
Pineau, Christian, 81, 83
PLO. SeePalestine Liberation Organization
Pollack, Ken, 397
Pollard, Jonathon, 268
Ponomarov, Boris, 572–574

Populism, 637
Powell, Colin, 157, 488, 489
Protocol Concerning the Redeployment
in Hebron. SeeHebron
Protocol of Sèvres
background, 81
text, 83–84

Iranian cooperation with United States
against, 397
Iraqi government, possible link, 489,
Taliban and, 567
terrorism, 598
al-Qasim, Abd al-Karim, 418
background, 299, 318–319
roadmap for peace, text, 300–305
Qureia, Ahmed, 214

Rabat summit
background, 185–186, 200–201
declaration, 186–187
Rabbani, Burhannuddin, 593, 600
Rabin, Yitzhak
assassination of, 167, 216–217
Cairo Agreement, 215
election of, 113, 139, 213
first intifada and
background, 192
statement by, 193–196
Israeli settlements, statement on, 182–185
Jordan-Israel peace agreement
background, 143
overview, 40
Treaty of Peace, text, 147–155
Washington Declaration, 144–146
Nobel Peace Prize, 215
Oslo Accords
background, 143, 214, 215
letter from Arafat, 218
letter to Arafat, 219–220
Sebastia settlement, 180


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