Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

  1. Ibid. TO:20b-2Ia.
    3I. Ibid. 10:2Ib.

  2. Ihid. 1 en I a.
    33.lhid. I o:sa, 9a-h.

  3. Ibid. 10: IOh.

  4. Ihid. 1O:13a. See similar regulations for failure of promoted students to pass ini-
    tial examinations upon entering higher schools, ibid. 10: 14b-Isa.

  5. Ibid. 10: T sa, see also regulations for dismissal of students who failed initial exam-
    inations at the T'aehak or National Academy, 10: 16a.

  6. Ihid. 9:25b, 36a.

  7. Ibid. 9:25b.

  8. Ibid. 9:26a. What would this man have thought of rock and roll?

  9. Ibid. 9:26a. For references to quiet sitting, consult the index to Wm. Theodore de
    Bary and the Conference on Seventeenth-Century Chinese Thought, The Unfolding of
    Neo-Conjilcianism (New York: Columbia University Press. 1975).
    4I. PGSR S):26b-3Ia.

  10. Ihid. 9:30h-3Ia.

  11. Ihid. 1 (>:26h.

  12. Ihid. 10:27a.

  13. Ibid. 9: 27 a-b.

  14. Ibid. 9:25b, 1O:4b.

  15. Ibid. 1O:1Ob.

  16. Ibid. 9:36b.

  17. Ibid. 1O:4b.

  18. Ibid. IO:1Oa, lIa.
    5T. Ibid. IO:8b. I Ih. He also called for archery ranges to be estahlished next to every
    school, 9:36b.

  19. Ibid. [(J:[ 2a.

  20. Ibid. 10: I 3a.

  21. Ihid. IO:,pb-48a.

  22. For regulations pertaining to other schools, see ibid. ro:44a-S3b. The main reforms
    included an entrance examination for prospective candidates, the provision of salaries
    and extra land grants for students, triennial selection examinations and quarterly review
    examinations (kogang) of students and elimination of the failures.
    S6. Ibid. ro:4 8 a-b, 53a.
    57· Ibid. 1O:45a-57a.

  23. Ibid. 1O:47a-b.

  24. Ihid. !O:53a-b.

  25. Ihid. !O:48b. For medicine, see ro:49a; for astronomy, 49a-b; for geography, 49b;
    for languages, 4gh-soa: for law, Sob; for mathematics, soh: for calligraphy,s la; for art
    and painting. 5 I b; for music. Slb-S2b.
    6I. Ihid. JO:S Ib-52h.

  26. Ihid. I (>:7h.

  27. Ibid. 1O:7b.

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