Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

  1. Ibid. ro:7b-8a.
    6S. Ibid. roAb. For a fuller discussion of age, particularly the 40-year age minimum
    for appointing scholars, except in the case of talented men, see IO:20b.

  2. Ibid. ro:sa.

  3. Ibid. ro:Sb.

  4. Ibid. IO:4b.

  5. Ibid. JO:4a.

  6. Ibid.
    7 I. Ibid. ro: 13a, I4b-I Sb.

  7. Ibid. IO:33b.

  8. Ibid.

  9. Ibid. IO:Isa.
    7S· Ibid. 9:36b.

  10. Ibid. 9:3Sb, 3 8b.

  11. Ibid. 9:3sa-36a.

  12. Ibid. 9:38b.

  13. Ibid. 9:3 6 a.

  14. Ibid. 9:38a.
    8 I. Ibid. ro:SI b.

  15. Ibid. IO:22a, 46a.

  16. Ibid. IO:Sb.

  17. Ibid. IO:2Ib.
    8S. Ibid. JO:26a.

  18. Ibid. IO:sa.

  19. Ibid. IO:8b.

  20. Ibid. ro:3sa.

  21. Ibid. ro:36a.

  22. Ibid.

  23. Ibid. J o:sa.

  24. Ibid. IO:sb-6a.

  25. Ibid. IO:6a-b.

  26. Ibid. ro:6b.
    9S. Ibid. ro:6b-7a.

  27. Ibid. IO:7a.

  28. Ibid. IO:7a-b.

  29. The term so could refer to the division between eldest legitimate son and other
    sons - Song Siyol's position in the mourning debate - but in this context the distinction
    was clearly between legitimate sons of the yangban's wife and the sons by concubines,
    commoner, or slave.

  30. Ibid. ro:7a.
    [00. Ibid. [o:8a.

  31. Ibid.
    ro2. Ibid.
    [03. Thomas A. Metzger, Escapefrom Predicament: Neo-Confucianism and China '.I'

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