Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

daigaku hogakkai. ed. Chosen keizai no kenkyu [Studies in the economy of Korea) 3
(Tokyo: lwanami shoten. [938): 363-482.

  1. Ihid., pp. 388-89. My calculations based on his raw data vary slightly from
    Shikata's own percentages. These calculations show a drop in slave households from 37. I
    percent in 1690. to 26.6 percent in 1729-32, to 8.5 percent in 1783-89, and finally to
    1.5 percent in 1858. Ihid .. p. 386-87.
    16 7. Ibid., pp. 392 , 394.

  2. Yi Chun'gu, "Choson hugi yangban sinbun idong e kwanhan yon'gu, ha" [A study
    of the movement of yangban status in late Choson), Yaksa hakpo 97 (March 1983):3, n.
    171: Kim Yongmo, "Choson hugi ili sinbun kujo wa kil pyondong," pp. 53-153.

  3. Pak Nouk, "Choson sidae komunsosang ili yong'o komt'o," pp. 98-ro8. The
    term solga nobi used to be interpreted as "domestic slaves," but Pak Nouk has demon-
    strated that this is a mistranslation heeause they did not necessarily live in the master's
    house. They were slaves who were regarded as members of the master's household and
    whom the master "could lead, command," or "mobilize for personal service according
    to his needs (pp. 98-99)." Pak thinks that they could be regarded as "service slaves"
    (angyak Ilohi), who owed service to their masters wherever they might have lived (pp.

  4. Ch6n S6kchong, Chosiin hugi sahoe pyandong }clll'gU, pp. 248-49; 279-81.
    17 I. Ellen Kim, "Enduring Institution," pp. 71-73, 107, including table 4, p. 71, and
    fig. 5, p. 72.
    [72. Yi Ik, Sangho saesal, Insamun, [6b-17b (Seoul: Kyonghili ch'ulp'ansa, 1967)
    1:4^1 4.

  5. Yi Ik, Sangho saesal yusan (Keijo: Chosen kosho kankokai, 1915), pp. 356-57:
    Chon, "Sipkusegich'o naesinobi," p. 150: Hiraki Makoto, ChOsen g6ki nuhisei kellkyu,
    pp. 215-17: Han Woo-keun, Yijo hugi iii sahoe wa sasang, pp. 287-98.

  6. Yu Suw6n, US(i 168d (Seoul: Soul taehakkyo ch'ulp'anbu, pref. dated 1969), pp.
    7-8; Han Y6ng'u. "Yu Suw6n ili sinbun kaehyok sasang" [Yu Suw6n's ideas about the
    reform of social status 1. Hall 'guksa yan'gu 8 (September (972):35-39: Paolo Santan-
    gelo, La Vita e /(Jpera di }LI Suwall Pensatore Coreano del XVIll Secolo (Napoli: Isti-
    tuto Universitario Orientale, Seminario di Studi Asiatici, 1981). pp. 73-79: Hiraki Makoto,
    Chi'isen g6ki nuhisei kenkyu, pp. 218-19.

  7. He must be referring to the chdnsikwa system of the tenth to twelfth centuries.
    See James B. Palais, "Land Tenure in Korea: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries," Journal of
    Korean Studies 4 (1982-83):73-206.

  8. Yu Suwon, UsiJ, pp. 8-9: Han YOng'u, "Yu Suw6n," p. 40.

  9. Yu Suwon, UsiJ, pp. 7c-d.

  10. Ibid, p. 8b: Han Y6ng'u. "Yu Suwon," p. 41.

  11. USC), p. 131: Han Y6ng'u, "Yu Suwon," p. 41.

  12. Yu Suw6n. UW). p. 131, 165: Han Yong'u, "Yu Suwon," pp. 40-41,47; Santan-
    gelo, La Vita. pp. 78-79.

  13. Yu Suwon, Us/;, pp. [65-67, p. 166 for the above quote: Han YOng'u, "Yu Suwon,"
    PP·3 2 -3 8.

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