Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

  1. Ibid. 2 I :52b-53b, 56a, 6Ib.

  2. Ibid. 2 I:52b-53a.

  3. Ibid. 21:49a-50a, 5Ib-52a.

  4. Ibid. 2I:52b.

  5. Ibid. 21=47b-49a. 50a.

  6. Yu discussed the poor quality of conventional weapons and armor, ibid. 21 :28b;
    cited Yulgok's famous proposals to reform the system for raising battle horses, ibid.
    2 T :70b-71 a; discussed the history of horse-raising in China, ibid. 24: I7a-2 Ib, 34a; sug-
    gested regulations for wall construction, ibid. 2 T :61 a; discussed the history of wall con-
    struction, ibid. 24:Ia-5b; carts and war chariots, ibid. 24:6a-T6b: the nced for
    shipbuilding and repair, ibid. 2 T:5 1 a; post -stations, ibid. 24:21 b-23a; beacons, ibid.
    2 J :55b-56a.

  7. Ibid. 21 :42a-b.
    5 I. Ibid. 2 I:42b-43a.

  8. Ibid.

  9. Ch'a Munsop, "Chosonjo Hyojong iii kunbi kwangch'ung" [Expansion of military
    defenses under King Hyojong of the Choson dynasty], pI. 2. Nonmunjip (Tan'guk tae-
    hakkyo) 2 (1968): [7-20.

  10. Ibid., pp. 20-21. Ch'a points out that he cannot be certain that this action in 1654
    was limited to Ch'ungch't'ing Province or included the whole country but he thinks the
    former is likely.

  11. Yi T'aejin, Chason hugi, p. 162.

  12. Ch'a Munsop, "'Hyojong iii kunbi kwangch'ung," pI. 2, p. 2.
    57· PGSR 2I:42a-44b, 14a-b.

  13. Ibid. 2 I:28a-b.

  14. eh ·a. "Hyojong iii kunbi kwangch'ung," pt. 2, p. 25, and Hyajol1g sillok J 0:2 1 a-b
    ( 1653)·

  15. Yi T'aejin. Choson hugi, p. 162.

  16. eh'a Munsop, "Hyojong iii kunbi kwangch'ung," pt. 2, pp. 25-26.

  17. Ibid., p. 26.

  18. The above material on wcapons and gunpowder is based on ibid., pp. 26-29.

  19. Ibid., pp. 34-38.

  20. PGSR 24:5b. For the whole discussion of walls and moats in classical antiquity,
    see ibid. 24: 1 a-6a.

  21. Ibid. 24:5b-6a.

  22. Ibid. 22:lb-2a.

  23. Ibid. 22:2a, 5a.

  24. Ibid. 22:3a-b.

  25. Ibid. 22=4b.
    7 T. For discLlssion of the details of Yu's and other writers' plans, see Yi Hyongsok,
    lmjin chiillansa 3:1323-25.

  26. PGSR 22:8b for the quote, 5a-Job for the discussion of wall construction.

  27. Ibid. 22:8b.

  28. Yi Hyongsok, lmjin chOllansa 3:1412.

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