Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

  1. PGSR 2TT7b.

  2. Ihid. 2 I:49a-52b.

  3. Ibid. 2 I:23b.

  4. Ihid.
    79. Ibid. 21:60h-6Ta.
    80. Ibid. 2I :6Ia-h.
    81. ForYu]gok's proposal, see Han'guk kunjesa (1968), pp. 368-69 and n.28, which
    quotes the text ofYulgok's Memorial on Contemporary Problems [Chin sisa so] in kw6n
    7 of the Yulgok chOnso. See PGSR p oyu (supplement), kunhyonje (on the system of local

  5. PGSR 21:6Ib-62a.

  6. Ibid. 21:62a.

CHAPTER 14. The Military Service System, 1682-187°

T. Yi T'aejin, "Chung'ang Ogunyongje ui songnip kwajong" [The process ofthe estab-
lishment of the central five division system), Han 'guk kunjesa 2 Kilnse Chosi5n hugip 'yon
[The military history of Korea, vol. 2 Early modern period: Late Choson dynasty) (Seoul:
Yukkun ponbu, [(77). pp. T65-66: idem, Choson hugi i:ti c/u)ngch'i \Va kunviingje pyonjon
[Politics and changes in the army division system in the late Choson period] (Seoul:
Han'guk yon'guwon, 1985), pp. 223-25: JaHyun Kim Haboush, "A Heritage of Kings:
One Man's Monarchy in the Confucian World" (Ph.D. diss., Columbia University, 1978),
pp. 62-71: Kang Chujin, Yijo tangjaengsa yiJn'gu [A study of the history of factional-
ism in the Yi dynasty] (Seoul: Seoul Taehakkyo ch'ulp'anbu, 1971), pp. 285-93.

  1. Sukchong sillok 38 sang:2a-5a.

  2. Sllkchollg .Iil/ok 38 sang.
    4, For the text of the day's discussion, see Sukchong sillok 38 sang:8a-loa. The mate-
    rial is discussed at length in Ch'a Munsop, "lmnan ihu ui yangyok kwa kyunyokp'op ui
    songnip" [The yangyok system from the lmjin Wars and the estahlishment of the equal
    service system), pt. 2, Sahak yrJn 'gu II (July 1961): 1 25-26: idem, "Kumwiyong yon'gu"
    [A study of the royal guard regiment], in idem, ChOSrJfl sidae kunje y6n 'gu [Studies of
    the military system of the Choson period] (Seoul: Tan 'guk taehakkyo eh'ulp'anbu, 1973),
    p. 353: Yi T'aejin, Choson hugi (1985), pp. 232-33 n.23.

  3. See the tables in Ch'a Munsop, "lmnan ihu ui yangyok," pI. 2, p, 126, and Chong
    Yonsik, "Sipch'il-sippal segi yangyok kyunilhwa chongch'aek ui ch'uui" [The trend in
    policy toward uniform labor service tax 011 men of good status in the seventeenth and
    eighteenth centuries], Han 'guksaron T 3 (August [(85): 155 n. 1 30, These tables are hased
    on the final regulations and figures incorporated in the Kagyong ijongch ong tl1ngnok,
    Ogunflllln kaegunje pYrJn!'ong chorfllok, which are somewhat different from the figures
    cited in the Sillok, cited below. Ch'a Munsop, "Kumwiy6ng ui yon'gu" [A study of the
    royal guard regiment], in idem, Choson sidae kunje yon'gll (Seoul: Tan'guk taehakkyo
    eh'ulp'anhu, [(73), pp. 353-54; Sukchong sillok 40:54a-59b. According to the remarks
    of the Sil/ok historian, the reorganization of the Five Military Divisions of the capital
    region was largely the work of Min Chinhu; the reduction of the cloth tax rate on marines

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