Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

vidual tribute items, and the purchase of tribute could have been controlled exclusively
by budgets adopted for each capital agency. Tagawa, Richi! krJnosei no kenJ...'Yu, pp. 75I,

  1. Ibid., pp. 760- 6 5.

  2. PGSR 3:3 I a-33b. Of the 16 mallkyong, 2 mal would be paid to the district mag-
    istrate for his personal and public expenses. Tagawa also found that the S6nhyech'6ng
    was also mentioned prior to the adoption of the Ky6nggi land surtax, back in the fourth
    lunar month, as part of a proposal to eliminate some problems in the tribute system, and
    Yi W6n'ik was borrowing that precedent to justify the creation of a special office "to
    confer benevolence on the suffering people." Tagawa, Richo konosei no kenkyu, pp.
    766-70, esp. p. 769; Kim Okkun, Choson hugi, pp. 74-75.
    I9. The taedong reform was first studied by Ch6ng Hy6ng'u, "Taedongbop e taehan
    ily6n'gu" [A study of the taedong system] Sahak Y(Jn 'gu 2 (Dec. 1958):50-85, but a path-
    breaking effort was made by Han Y6ngguk in his six articles on the subject: "Hos6 e silsi
    toen tacdongb6p sang" [Thc Taedong System in Cholla Province, part I J Ydksa hakpo
    I3 (October I96o):77-I08; Ha (part 2), ibid. 14 (April 1961 ):77-132; idem, "Honam e
    silsi toen taedongb6p, sang," rThe taedong system in Ch611a Province, part I). ibid. 15
    (September 1961):3I-60; I (part 2), ibid. 20 (April I963):29-80; Sam (part 3), ibid. 2I
    (August 1963):67-[00; Sa, Wan (part four, completion), ibid. 24 (July I964):91-II8.
    The study by Kim Okkun, Choslln hugi, was also devoted almost exclusively to the tae-
    dong reform. In addition to providing some more detailed information about the adop-
    tion of the system, he also tracked changes that took place between the seventeenth and
    nineteenth centuries. See also Ching Young Choe, "Kim Yuk," pp. 2I-35.

  3. Han Y6ngguk, "Hos6," part I, pp. 80-8. The quote is in lnjo sillok 2:24b--25a,
    Injo I .7.ky6ngja; Kim Okkiin, Choslln hugi, p. 103.

  4. "Non Sonhyech'6ng so" [Memorial proposing the establishment of the Office for
    Dispensing Benevolence 1. in P 'ojo sonsaengjip, kwon 2, cited in Han Y6ngguk, "Hos6,"
    part I, pp. 82-83, and Kim Okkiin, Choslln hugi, p. T04.
    22.lnjo ,I'il/ok 6:48b-49b, Injo 2.8.sinhaek, cited in Han Y6ngguk, "Hos6," part I, pp.
    85-89: Kim Okkiin. ChosrJn hugi, pp. T05-7.

  5. Injo sil/ok T30a-b, Injo 2.1 r.kyech'uk; ibid. 7:46b, Injo 2. 12.py6ngsul, cited in
    Han Y6ngguk, "Hoso," part I, pp. 91-92, and Kim Okkiin, Choslln hugi, pp. T07-8.

  6. Injo sillo~7:48b-49a, Injo 2. I 2.chongyu. This material is covered in Han YOngguk,
    "Hos6," part J, pp. 92-93, except that hc omitted Sin Hiim's key statements about the
    opposition of the wealthy landlords.

  7. Injo sillok 8:7a-b, Injo 3. I .imsul; Kim Okkiin, Choson hugi, pp. ra8-TO, see espe-
    cially Kim's explanation on p. I TO.

  8. Han Y6ngguk. "Hos6, part I," pp. 95-96; Injo sillok 8:73, Injo 3. I.sinyu.

  9. Han Y6ngguk, "Hos6," part I, pp. 94-95; Kim Okkiin, ChosrJl1 hugi, pp. 108-I r.

  10. Injo .Ii1Lok 28=45a. Injo I I.Io.kyongja.

  11. Ibid. 33:2Ia, Injo J4·9·kab'in.

  12. Ibid. 37:22b-23a, Injo 16.TO.pyongsul; ibid. 3T32a-b. Injo 16.Il.muin; Han
    Y6ngguk. ·'Hoso." part I, pp. 95-96; Kim Okkun, Chosi'5n hugi. p. 156.

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