Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

  1. Hyojong sillok 6:3Ih, Hyojong 2.5.kich'uk.

  2. Ihid. 7:3b, Hyojong 2.7.kapsin, cited in Won, "Yijo Sukchong sidae iii hwap'ye,"
    p.63 6.

  3. Hyojong sillok 7:38b, Hyojong 2.1 I.kyeryu, cited in Won, "Choson hugi iii
    kiimsok hwap'ye," p. 118; "Yijo Sukchong sidae iii chujon," p. 641.

  4. Hyojong sillok 8:20b, Hyojong 3.2.kiryu; ibid. 8:23a. Hyojong 3.2.kab'in; ibid.
    8:24a. Hyojong 3.2.LI1'ITIYO. Won Yuhan suspccts that the opposition hetween the two men
    must have had some factional hasis since Yun was Westerner and Ho was a Southerner,
    "Yijo Sukehong sidae iii chujon," p. 641 n. 3 I; idem, "Choson hugi iii kiimsok hwap'ye,"
    pp.I18- 1 9·

  5. Hyojong sillok TO: 16a, Hyojong 4. I.kapsin.

  6. [bid. IO:37b-38a, Hyojong 4.3.mujin; Won gives the date at 4.3.kyong'o, but that
    date seems to be missing from the text, "ChosCm hugi iii kiimsok hwap'ye," p. 119 n. 78.

  7. Hyojong sillok 12: 18a, Hyojong 5.3.pyongjin; 12: 19a-b, Hyojong 5.4.sinyu;
    12:29b, Hyojong 5-4.chongmyo; Won, "Yijo Sukchong sidae iii chujon, p. 643.

  8. See n.25, below.

  9. See n.25, helow.

  10. Hyojong sillok 12::39a-4Ia, Hyojong 5.6.muin; MHBG 159:7b-8a; Won, "Yijo
    Sukchong sidae (Ji chujon," pp. 646-47 n-42.

  11. MHBG 159:7a-b; Kim Yuk, "Chamgok sonsaeng yugo," 4: 22a-22ba, dated kabo
    (1654), presumably between the ninth to eleventh lunar month; Won, Choson hugi
    hwap'yesa y(}n 'gu, p. 87; idem, "Yijo Sukchong sidae iii chujon," p. 635. It seems strange
    that scholars who have worked on this problem have not found the text of Hyojong's
    edict and Kim's memorial in the Sillok or other sources. I have not had the time to con-
    duct a search myself, but judging from Kim's reference to Hyojong's prohibition against
    the use of rough cloth for currency, the memorial should have been suhmitted shortly
    after the cdict was issued.

  12. Hyojong sillok 15:la, Hyojong 6.7.sinmyo; 1S:33b-34a, Hyojong 6.7.sinyu; Won,
    "Yijo Sukchong sidae iii chujon," pp. 644-45. Kim was appointed chief state councilor
    in Hyojong 6.7.kab·in. Hyojong sillok 15:2b.

  13. Hyojong sillok 15:33b-34a, Hyojong 6.12.sinyu. cited in Won, "Yijo Sukchong
    sidae iii chujon," p. 645 n.36.

  14. Hyojong sillok 6. I 2.kyehaek.

  15. Ibid. 16:29a-b, Hyojong 7-4.kyongsin; SJW 7:783, cited in Won, "Yijo sukchong
    sidae iii chujon," p. 644.

  16. Ihid.

  17. MHBG I 59:9a-b; Won, "Yijo Sukchong sidae iii chujon," pp. 644-45.

  18. The hest account is in SJW 7:968-69, Hyojong 7.9.26. The account in the PBS
    2:5IO-[ [ is abridged, butYi Man'iin appears to have extracted elements from the SJW
    for his account, in MHBG 159:8b-9a.
    Hyojong's demand for repayment of grain loans in grain caused a brief flurry of debate
    after the low-ranking censor (Chong "()n) in the Office of the Censor-General, Min Yujung,
    argued that recalling loans in rice rather than allowing the people to repay them in cash
    was a betrayal of its promise to the people when it first granted the loans, and it had

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