Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

caused much ill feeling because most people had already accumulated cash to make repay-
ment. SJW 7:979-88, Hyojong through 7.IO.23.

  1. MHBG I S9:9a-b.
    3S. MHBG IS9:roa-b.

  2. Won, "Yijo Sukchong sidae lii chujon," pp. 642-47; "Choson hugi lii klimsok
    hwap'ye," pp. 122-32.

CHAPTER 24. Yu Hyongwon's Analysis of Currency

I. PGSR 3:3b-4a.

  1. Chung-hua shu-chil, ed., Tz 'u-hai (Shanghai: 1947), p. 309.

  2. PGSR 8:Ia-2a. The "Treatise on Food and Money" from the History a/the Han
    Dynasty (Han-shu) described the Chou-fu system ofthe Duke of Chou, the use of pearls,
    jade, gold, knives, and cloth as media of exchange in ancient China, and the shape of the
    ancient gold coin as round with a square hole. Ibid. 8:2b. See also Morohashi Tetsuji,
    comp., Daikanwajiten [The great Sino-Japanese dictionary 1 (Tokyo: Taishii-kan shoten,
    19S5-S9) I:3 82.

  3. PGSR 8:Ia-2a.
    S. Ibid. 8:2a-b.

  4. Ibid. 8:roa-I lb.

  5. Ibid. 8:3a.

  6. Ibid. 8:3a-b.

  7. Ibid. 8:4b.
    ro. Ibid. 8:4b-Sa.
    r I. Ibid. 8:sa-b.
    r 2. Ibid. 8:Sb.

  8. Ibid. 8:7b-8a.

  9. Ajia rekishi jiten 6:276, biography of Chang Kuei; PGSR 8:8a-b.
    IS. Gari Ledyard, The Dutch Come to Korea (Seoul: Royal Asiatic Society and Tac-
    won Publishing Company, 197r).

  10. PGSR 8:6a.
    q. Ibid. 8:roa-I lb.

  11. Ibid. 8:8b-9a.

  12. Ibid. 8:6b-7a.

  13. Ibid. 8:8b-9a.
    2 I. Ibid. 8:8b-9a.

  14. Ibid. 8:9a-9b.

  15. Ibid. 8:9b-roa.

  16. Ibid. 8:IIb-I3a.
    2S. Ibid. 8:13b-I4a.

  17. Ibid. 8: 14a-h.

  18. Ibid. 8:14b-Isa.

  19. Ibid. 8:Isa-qa.

  20. Ibid. 8: 17a-b, source cited is the Shih-lin yen-yii hy Yeh Meng-te.

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