Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

kong'in J{ A tribute middlemen or
kongjang :2 ~ "empty markets" or flea
markets or "empty markets in outer
areas"; see oech '0 kOllgjang
kongjang -0 UI. official artisans
kong jon -01E public field, or Lord's
field; see kung-t 'iell; public land sys-
Kongju (p.n.) -01'H
Kongju -0.± princess
Kongjuin J{'± A tribute agents em-
ployed by the Ministry of Taxation
prior to the taedong reform of the six-
teenth century
kongmul J{ ¥!l tribute goods paid to
various bureaus of government in the
capital; see won 'gong
kOllgmul chuin J{ ¥!l.=t A tribute
middlemen, or tribute masters
kOllgmul puro J{ ¥!l)C~ the tribute
elder, commissioner of a district mag-
istrate sent out to purchase goods un-
der the taedong system, as a means of
replacing tribute
konglli J{ ~ tribute clerk
kongnyok JjJ fJ skill used in labor
kongp 'ae :2 AA! blank warrants
kongsa -0 fL. public and private
Kongsa J{ ± tribute scholars
kongsaeng J{ ~ "tribute students," or
boy servants; see t 'ong 'in, ch 'ongjik,
kongsang ~ 1: the expenses of the
royal house
kongsang ~ 1: tribute
kongse -0 m public taxes
kongsin JjJ gf merit subjects
kongsinjon JjJ gf IE merit subject land
or prebends
Kongso JjJ I!!f see Noso
kongsujon -0 ~ IE land set aside to
pay official expenses
kong'l1m JjJ lti forebears (7)

G LOS S A R Y I 167

Koryo dynasty iiIi JI
Koryosa j@j JI.t. History of the Koryo
Koryo t 'onghaeng chOhwa j@j JI:iffi 1'1
* jI( late Koryo dynasty paper bill,
the "Koryo Circulating Paper Money"
kosin ~ ~ blank office warrants to
men who joined the armed forces
k 'ou-fen-t 'ien (Ch.) 1:::I:0-IE mouth-
share land, i.e., per capita share land
Ku-wenyin-lii it:>cM$
Kuan-ch'a-shih (Ch.) .~~ gover-
nor; see Kwanch'alsa
kuang-chi (Ch.) ~ a long-term sol-
Kuang-lu-ssu J't*~ Court of Impe-
rial Entertainments (Ming)
K uan-tung fi eng-su c J riian lUI I'JIII ~J!I\~.n:r F.a l~

Kuan-tzu • 1l'f T
kubrm 1:::I:0-"mouth share"
kubllnjon 1:::I:0-IE "mouth-share land,"
Korean pronunciation of Chinese k '011-
fen-t'ien; widow's support land (Koryo
and Choson)
kuei (Ch.) .. noble
Kuei-chou .. fH province in China
kuga sejok fi * tit tm old families and
heredi tary lineages
kuje fi 1M the old system; Yu
Hyongwon's term for military units
established from the founding of the
Choson dynasty to the Imjin War
kujon I:::I il mouth (head or capitation)
kujo/l fi old cash
kukcha (kuo-tzu, Ch.) I!I T sons of the
Kukhak I!I * National Academy
kukka f..yongbi I!I * ~:I: state ex-
kukka tanmull IJ * m {t blood rela-
tionship of lowest degree ofmouming
kul/o jJ[ YJ.. military police
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