Naju (p.n.) g.,H
Naju-moksa g.,H ~ f~ magistrate of
Naktang ~'Ji. Fallen Party, of Kim
Namhan sansong WI m JlJ:!JJX Narnhan
mountain fortress
namjong :!ij T adult males
Namwon (p.n.) WI ~ district in ChOlla
Namwon-busa WI ~ 1ft M! magistrate
of Namwon
Nan-chan WI _ Southern Anny (Han),
imperial guards
Nangch' ong ~~.. staff officers in a
/lobok Y::l. {l slave
/lojoll a I:E open or treeless lowland
nokehon :ff I:E salary land
nokkwan :ff 1? sinecured "salary post"
Noksa • $ registrar, chief clerk
nong • peasants, agriculturalists
nong;ang .:1:1 estates
Noron :t.lii Patriarch's Faction
Northern Ch'i dynasty (Ch.) ~t.
Northern Chou dynasty (Ch.) ~tm
Northern Sung dynasty (Ch.) ~t*
Northern Wei dynasty (424-535) (Ch.)
Noryang (p.n.) a~ Kyongsang Prov-
bureau mce
Nanggwan ~~ 1? duty officers in minis- Noso:t. 1m Merit-Subject Westerner
Nangsa ~~~ Office of Remonstrance
nanjon .L 11 unlicensed shops
napkong nobi A~ j{ Y::l.:fII! tribute-
paying slaves
napse ~ & land tax
napsok A~ ¥ grain contribution to
purchase manumission from slavery or
office titles
Nei-cheng (Ch.) p;j iI& Internal Ad-
ministration chapter of the Kuall-tzu
Nei-hsiang (Ch.) p;j;f§ Inner Prime
Nei-shu-mi-shih (Ch) p;j ~ ~ M!
officials for transmission of documents
ngo-yen (Ch.) M DIt "goose eye" cash
niell-k '0 (Ch.) 4=;t:f time in office or
Nit'anggae m~1t-uprising of 1583
lIobi Y::l.:fII! slave
Nobi ell 'uswae-dogam Y::l.:fII!3;Uii~~
It Directorate for Investigation of
Slave Status
nobi isejibOp Y::l.AA! I2J. tit z t! the law
by which slavery is detennined by he-
faction; also Kongs6.
1I11ng flli ability
Nilngrnaach'iSng fllilft.5G. Military
Academy, est. 1655
o fli group of five families
o fli file, military, of 4 men
Obu 11. W Five Wards (in the capital)
obyu ~ 11 a nothos scholar
oeballg ehinsallg >'1-Jj 1m L tribute
presented to the throne from the outer
oeel! '0 kOIlg;ang >'1-it ~ ~ "empty
markets in outer areas," flea markets
oego lIobi ;1-Ji5-Y::l.:fII\! outside-resident
official slaves
Oesa ;1-itt Outer House
ogat 'ollg li*~ 5-family mutual aid
and surveillance unit; see oga
oga ehakt 'ollg 1i * fF ~ 5-family
mutual surveillance units
OgunyiSng li 1!! 1f Five Military
Divisions (late Choson)
6haeng yusa ~ f; 1f irJ secret censors
Ojang fli * 5-family head