Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

sangmok L superior cloth
sallgnap L Ml portion of tax receipts
remitted to the capital
Sangp'yl'lngch'ang 'It ~ i1r Ever-
Normal Granaries
Sangp'yongch'ong '~' iL .. Ever-
Nonnal Bureau, for price stabilization
Sangp'yonggam 'itiL m: Ever-Nonnal
Sang'uiwiSn p!ij;;& ~ Royal Clothing
san 'gun ili W upland region
san'gwan W:!~ sinecures, posts without
duties, salaries, or prebendal grants
sana fcL.1/::I. private slave
sano P] 1/::1. official slave
sanobi fcL.1/::I. ~ private slaves
sansong IlJ ~ mountain fort
Saongwon P] ~ ~ Royal Cuisine
Saonso P] &:1-Wine Bureau
sap 'ae JI JllJ prebendal grants under
royal warrant
sap 'ae nobi JI JllJ 1/::l.:fdl! royally granted
sarim ±:fie see sarimp 'a.
sarimp 'a ± +t ~ "the scholars of the
forest," supposedly scholars of high
moral standards in the countryside
who were shut out of office
saryong ~ -$ runner, servant
saryu ± ~ the class of scholars
sasa ~~± temples and shrines
sase JI& royal grant of tax revenues to
an individual; prebendal grant?
sasejon JI & m prebend
Sasl'lmsi p]!Vii ~ Court for Providing
Aid, in charge of paper money and
slave tribute
sason {ii! I
see ponsoll
Sasong t 'ollggo [79!if:lM ~ A Compre-
hensive Study of the FOllr Tones, by
Sin Sukchu
sasu M ~ archers

Sayogwon p] ~ ~ Court of Interpret-
se (Ch., slli) ~ term used to represent
the age of a person in which the indi-
vidual's age at birth is one year
se & taxes
sebol tit rtIJ hereditary lineage
sech '0 ~fV annual selection ofunreg-
istered men for military service
segong ~ Jt annual tribute recom-
segyong tit 9" hereditary ministers
Sejojo ilgi tltm$l Etc diary of
Sejo's reign
sejok tit ~ heirs to the family line;
hereditary clans
sejon & m taxable land
sejon kwanha tit fJ$ 'ilf T hereditary
hired laborers
semi &* land tax
seopchon tit ~ m pennanent land
sep ye ~ 1M tribute to the Chinese
serok tit tf hereditary salaries
serok chi sin tit tf Z gf officials of
hereditary families
serokchOn tit * ill hereditary salary
sesin tit gf hereditary officials
Shan-hai-kuan (p.n.) IlJ 7BJ M
Shang dynasty Ifi
Shang-lin-yUan (Ch.) ..t:fie~ the
Imperial Forest Park, given control
over cash and the right to mint cash by
Emperor Wu (Han)
Shang neng-fu (Ch.) L.:k superior
famler (Chou), defined as one who
could support nine people from the
production of a standard-sized plot of
100 mou
Shang-shih (Ch.) ..t ± Upper Shih
(official rank in Chou dynasty)
Shang-shll (Ch.) ~. The Book of
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