Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1


upper end of the hall," high-ranking
officials of first, second, and part of
the third ranks
T'ang-shu }jtHl History a/the T'ang
tao (Ch.) :it! circuit
taphom M .. on-the-spot crop damage
inspection for the purpose of tax re-
duction or exemption
ti f£ one equal or less than 10 years
younger or older than ego
t 'i (Ch.) It see eh 'e
tiao (Ch.) 1M the T'ang capitation tax
for tribute; household tax in cash
t'ien (Ch.) 1iU well-field unit
T'ien-kuan (Ch.) * 13' Officer of
Heaven (Chou), equivalent of a prime
T'ien-ell 'j (Ch.) * ~ a Chinese coin
T'ien-tzu ssu-jen (Ch.) *:rfL.A.
private men of Emperor Hsiian-tsung
(rang); Inner Prime Ministers
ting (Ch.) ~ watchtower, a subdistrict
unit in the Han dynasty
Ting-wei (Ch.) H:W Minister of Pun-
ishments (Han)
to :it! circuits
to (or kye) ~ a community compact
to :it! the Way
T'o-pa f6 iJ,t non-Chinese tribe
Toanch'ong ~~. office of the pal-
ace guards in charge of military sup-
port revenues
Tobu ~ Jff battalions of 1,000 men
each (early Choson)
Toeh'ebu ~IIJff see Toch'ech'alsa
Toch'ech'alsa ~II~~ supreme
commander of the Office of the Su-
preme Commander (Toch'ech'alsabu,
or Toch'ebu)
Toch'ech'alsabu ~.~~Jff Office
of the Supreme Commander
Toch'ongbu ~JttJff Supreme Head-

tach 'op flwt monk certificate
t 'odan ± I!II resettlement of educated
elite in the villages; see t 'u-tiian.
toga ~* warehouses of private mer-
T ogam ~.m General Directorate or
Directorate; also short for Hullyon-
dogam, the Military Training Agency
togo ~ Jl wholesale monopolies
Togwan ~ 13' Slave Agency
Togyejang ~ ~ * general kye chiefs in
Yulgok's kye system
tollak (Tao-hsueh, Ch.) :it! * the
leaming of the Confucian Way
Tohobu (or Taebu) ~lliJff strategic
prefecture; largest of four units of local
govemment in Yu Hyongwon's plan
Tohobusa ~lliJff~ magistrate ofa
tohoe ~ tf collection center; see To-
Tohoegwan ~itftl' Tax Collection
Tohundo ~ ~1117i a superfluous local
military official
tojang 1J * steward
Tojejo ~tI! J'j supreme commissioner,
for the Royal Division or Border De-
fense Command.
toji Jltfl! fixed, lower-rate, longer term
tojo Jlt m fixed rent
toju :i!.:t the "lord of the province"
tokhaeng It fi virtuous behavior
tokso eh 'ulsinjibop ... tf:l5t z t! an
exanlination of reading knowledge
ToksOdang ~. ji,: Book Reading Hall
Tollyongbu ~. Jf.f the Agency for
Royal Relatives
Tollyongbu Yongsa ~.Jff~.
director of the Office of the Royal Clan
tong lIiiJ administrative village
['ong fiJf. 5-family unit in Yu
Hyongwon's plan
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