Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

tong si ch 'onmin fpJ ~ ~ ~ What we
have in common is that we are all
Heaven's people.
tongban fJI the Eastern File, i.e.,
civil officials
tongbok :it 1l slaves
t'onggong parmae Jm~~. joint
sales, i.e., pennission for unlicensed
vendors to operate alongside the li-
censed merchants
Tongguk "
II Eastern Land, Korea
TOIIgguk ehuIIgbo " II :i: W a Korean
Tongguk t 'ollgbo
II Jm • coin
proposed by Yu Hyongwon, the Circu-
lating Treasure of the Eastern Country
T'ongguk t 'onggam "* III JjJHIt The
Comprehensive Mirror of the Eastern
Tonggwan ~ '8 officer of winter
T'onggwan ~1? regional naval com-
mander; see T' ongjesa
tOllggye 1Ii!I ~ village kye in Yu
Hyongwon's plan for local govenunent
tonggyu 1Ii!I m ground rules for the
Golden Orchid kye in Mokch' on, 1641
Tonghak rebellion *JijL 1894-95.
Tongho mundap
WJ r,,~ ~ Yulgok's
"Questions and Answers at the Eastern
tong'in "A Easterner (faction)
t 'ong 'in Jm 51 boy servants; see kOllg-
saeng and ch 'ongjik
T' ongjang ~
chief of a t 'ollg
TOIIgjast'ip :it T fJ Training Manual
for Children
T'ongjesa ~ ftltI-ft regional naval
commander; see T' onggwan
T'ongjeyong ~ ftltI ~ Regional Naval
T'ongju ~.± lO-fanlily head in Yul-
gok's Haeju village granary of 1577
t 'ongmyong ell 'onsa Jm gij 11 ± en-
lightened selected scholars


Tongmong hunhoe :it ~ ~/II. instruc-
tors for children
Tongmong kyogwan :m~~'8 instruc-
tors of the youthful benighted
Tongnae (p.n.) "*~ in Kyongsang
T'ongnyewon Jmt! ~ Comprehensive
Rites Agency
Tongnyongbu expeditions *. Jf.f tiE
fi Two expeditionary forces sent into
the Liao-yang region of Manchuria in
1370 to recover territory for Koryo
tongp '0 fpJ Jjfg brothers
T ongsa kangmok * ~ ~ §
T' ongsinsa :1m ffi {It! ambassador
T' ongyong f;ft: ~ Naval Command for
the two southern provinces of Chima
and K yongsang.
t 'op 'um ± &1 local influentials of rank
Top'yong'uisasa ~W¥.-ftR] Su-
preme Council of State, the supreme
civil deliberative council of the late
Koryo and early Choson period to
1400, replaced by the Uijongbu
T osa ~ $= inspector; assistant to a
provincial governor, often functioned
as magistrate of the provincial capital
{osim il!>L.' the mind of the Way (see
ell 'ollsim)
Tosunbyonsa ~ ~:lI-ft General
Circuit Defense Commander, dis-
patched from the capital
Tosunch' alsa ~ ~ ~ {It! supreme
mobile inspector, dispatched from the
capital to command troops in the field
Tostlng ill!JS ferry-station official
Tosungji ~~ ~ chief Royal Secretary
Towonsu ~ 5G fnIJ supreme field com-
mander, dispatched from the capital
Toyakchong ~ i0lE general compact
head of community compacts
toye :i!. ability and skills in the arts
Tsai-ch'en (Ch.) *" gf state councilor
Tsai-hsiang (Ch.) *" #I councilor of
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