state (T'ang)
TS'ang-shih Ts'ao (Ch.) 'lit f.l Wf Ofl'ice
of Constant Attendance
Tso-chuan (Ch.) ti:_
tsu (Ch.) Ii land tax or rent (see cho);
tmhulled rice, vs. mi , hulled rice
tsu-pi (Ch.) § m: see chabi
Tsu-shih (Ch.) 1J tTJji local educational
ofl'icial (Chou)
Tsu-yung-shih (Ch.) II..~ special
commissioner for taxation
tsu-yung-tiao (Ch.) Ii •• triple taxes
ts 'un (Ch.) ;f:1 village (T'ang)
tsun (Ch.) ::q: respected elder, one
twenty or more years older than ego
Ts' un-cheng (Ch.) ;f:1 iE village chief
Tsung-kuan (Ch.) ~ tf regional gover-
Tsung-po (Ch.) ~Ha minister of rites in
Book of History
Tsung-tu chiin-wu (Ch.) ~1!f.¥!J
supreme commander for military af-
Tsushima (island) It.~ 8h
Tu (Ch) .vg runner (Chou)
Tu-hu-fu (Ch.) ~lliJf.f Grand Protec-
T'u-mu Rebellion ±* Z ~ of 1449
Tu-tu (Ch.) ~1!f commander-in-chicf
t 'u-taan (Ch.) ± If resettlement of
educated elite in the villages (Wei);
(Kof., todan)
tu-wei (Ch.) ~lM conunandant in the
T'angfu-ping system; aide or assistant
magistrate (Han)
t 'uan-lien (Ch.) !!II. local militia
Tumen River (Tuman'gang) liiiiI
tun (Ch.) It! military colony; see tunjon
T'ung-chien kang-mu lm.~ §
Tung-kuan (Ch.) ~ '§ ofl'icer of winter
(Chou), in charge of industry and pub-
lie works
T'ung-tien lm.
tiingwi 1ff-W. ranked position
tunjofl It! HI military colonies
turak -4 ft the arnount of land on which
I mal could be planted as seed, 0.163
acres (ca. 1910)
tusok li ~ brass
Tzu-chih t'ung-chien .~Jm •.
Tz'u-shih (Ch.) ]j(1J 51:. regional inspector
Uch'arnch'an :ti •• state councilor
Uch'ang :tiiI Right Granary; see
K wanghilngch 'ang
Uhu !fit ~ aides of provincial army and
navy commanders
iii • righteousness, righteous obliga-
tion, duty
Uibin .. ~ princes
Uibinbu ... Jf.f Ofl'ice of Royal Sons-
Uich'ang .iI Righteous Granaries
Uigumbu .~ Jf.f Office for the Delib-
eration of Forbidden Affairs or State
Uihak 9* School of Medicine
Uihilng ch'in'gunwi .JUI.r.w
Righteousness Flourishing King's Per-
sonal Guards
Uihilng samgunbu • Jl'='. Jff
Righteousness Flourishing Three Ar-
Uiinggo .ll.* Storehouse of Over-
flowing Virtue
Uij6ng lii~ member ofYu's State
Uij6ngbu lii~}f,f State Council
Uiju (p.n.) • fH
Uisa • JrJ Bureau of Medicine
iiisaeng &1:. medical student, i.e., the
post of a medical doctor in the prov-
iilmyo waebyofl z:. gp ~ ~ TIle Japa-
nese rising of 1555