I I 90 G LOS S A R Y
Yakchang #f.] -ft head of a community
YakchOng #f.] IE head of the compact,
chiefolTicial ofYu Hyongwon's sub-
district community compact
yaklw ~53 p weak household
yaksak #f.] * pledges, commitments?
among soldiers in the field?
vain !I!f.A men of the fields, ordinary
peasants (vs. scholars)
yang ~ liang (Ch.). 1 tael or 1 ounce: a
measure of weight
yang ~ good (status)
yang'an it~ land registers (Choson)
yangeh '111 wiip it ti:l1.l A determining
taxes in advance to finance what the
govemment felt it was necessary to
yamen (Ch.) 1Itr r~
yang 'in ~.A persons of good status
yang'ip wieh 'ul ii A J.i ti:l pay-as-you-
go, adjusting expenditures to revenue
yallgjon "ffi supporting land system
yallgjollg ~ T adult males of good
Yangju (p.n.) {'IJHI1 suburbs of Seoul
yallgmaek m ~ double wheat and
barley crop
yallgmill ~ ~ people of good status
( commoners)
yangmin ., ~ support of the people
yangnoyon .,~~ annual banquet for
the elderly
Yangtze River .Tn:.
yangyok [it 19: military service tax for
men of good status
Yangyok sajongch' t'ing [it 19: 1f ~.
Commoner Service Investigation Bu-
skills of the classics
Yean (p.n.) m!fi:. in Kyongsang Prov-
Yebinsi tt}1( ~ Ritual Guest Agency
Yemun'gwan ~)(tIlr Office of Royal
yemyong tt 1fIr courtcsy appointment,
plan ofCh'eng Hao; (li-ming,-Ch.)
Yen-rieh-shih (Ch.) .fIIM! regional
commissioner for salt and iron pro-
Yen-ying yiian ~~ ~ Hall for Inviting
the Brave, proposed by Ch'eng Hao
Yenching (p.n.) m€J?: old name for
yesang tt ~ mouming rite controversy
yin (Ch., Kof., 11m) Iii protection privi-
lege, allowing appointment to office of
sons of officials
Yin (Shang) dynasty I'iIt
Ying-chiang ~~ garrison commander
in Ch'i Chi-kuang's organization sys-
yung-hui era jj( it 650-56 (T'ang)
yo 1m a group of25 households
yobak -jx it female servants
yobu ~.:k other males in Tasan's land
distribution system
yogaek n~ '4f conunision agents
Yoha ilgi ~%J S 1IC Diary o/My Trip
ta lehal, by Pak Chiwon
yojallg 1m ~ head of a 3D-family unit
under Tasan's land system
yojon IJ.!l fB Tasan's [Chong Yagyong]
program for national ownership and
egalitarian land distribution
yojong ~ T cxtra personnel or extra
adult males
Yok .. Post-station
yokka :& fJ service fee, a fee paid to
reau hire someone to perform labor service
ye tt rites, ritual etiquette, principles of yokkulljOIl:& 'ij! E8 service-soldier land;
social usage (Ii, Ch.); the six arts or sec kunbojij()11