Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

yokp '0 ~;fJJ substitute cloth taxes to
pay for labor service, such as the re-
pair of official vessels
Yoksilng ~2E post-station clerk
yollip il.:st hereditary succession of
military households (Koryo)
Y ollyosil kisul * ~ ~ He:izt Yi
Kung'ik's private history of the
Choson dynasty
Yomch'och'ang ~m. Nitrate Bu-
Yonbaek (p.n.) N El
Yong 'If governor's yamen~ battalion-
sized units of 1,000 men each (early
Choson); regiment under the sog '0
system, consisting of five battalions of
2,475 men; command center; regiment
yong (yung, Ch.) m utility
Yongbu 'If'$ Division-Regiment
Y ongbu p yoha pyc'5!taegul1 ~ '$ ~ r
g~ ~. the aides and soldiers ofthe
division-regiments of the Military
Training Agency's Special Unit
Yongbyon (p.n.)
)1 in P'yong'an
Yongch'6n district jj( jll in Kyongsang
Yongdolly6ng ~ ' chief officer of
the Bureau of Royal Relatives
Yanggwan ~'H warehouse manager
Yonghak 'If¥ Yu's Governors'
Yongl1oyong fi J.1f ff Dragon Tiger
Regiment of the Forbidden Soldiers
Yong'in (p.n.) Bit
Yangjang 'lfWJ garrison commanders
yongjik ~ ~ honorary "shadow posts"
yonjik :fiJ!][ boy servants recruited from
sons of official slaves
Yangj osa ff:iiI PJ Bureau of Construc-
tion in Yu's version of the Ministry of
yong 'opchDn jj( ~ EH permanent land
grant (portion of the Northern Wei-


1'ang dynasty equal field systems)
Yongsa ~. chief of the Tollyangbu
Yong'iJijong ~iill& chief state coun-
Yang' un ' gwan il'i Ji '8 transport
Yonsan (p.n.) ~ III
Y6nyangwan }j£:S€ ~ Hall oflnvitation
to the Brave
yc'5oe chongbyong ~ 5'~ IE:E: extra-
quota regular soldiers
yc'5suk 1m ~ Yu's subdistrict schools
yoyok ~ ~ miscellaneous labor service
YII M one more than 20 years younger
than ego
Yii Kung ~:W: the tribute of Emperor
Yii (Hsia)
yu samil/jibyo! :ff ± ~ z g~ there is a
distinction between scholars and
common people
Vii-shih :btIJ 51.: imperial scribe (later
Yii-shih-tai (Ch.) :btIJ 51.: Et censorate
Y iian dynasty 5G
yiian-chia (Ch.) 5G~ year period of the
Liu Sung dynasty, AD. 424-54; Later
Han, AD. lSI-53
Yiian-feng (Ch.) 5G ~ year period, AD.
1078-86 (Sung)
Yiian-wai-kuan (Ch.) ~ 5'~ '§' super-
numerary officials (1'ang)
Yuan-wai-Iang (Ch.) ~ 5'~ R~ undersec-
retary (1' ang)
yiian-YII (Ch.) 5Gtti year period, AD.
1086-94 (Sung)
yuballg M @ guard duty
yuch 'ill :ff It close relati ves of the royal
ynch'ong chapsaek :ff. ~ ~ miscel-
laneous military officers or guards as-
signed to government agencies
Yug'uijon /\ ~1I the six licensed
monopoly shops of the capital
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