Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

chonja (respected elder), 726
chonja (people of base status). 840
Chonje sangjongso, 363
chOnji. 279
chonji cilOhwa, 32 1
chOnjo, 45
chOnju, 45, 64
Chonju, 29, 716, 833, 965
('h onmaek, 278, 299, 300
ch'6nmin. 34, [9[, 1023
ch6nmun, 820
ch6nnonggwan. 381
Chon'okso, 618
chOnse. 803, 806, 851, 852
chonsi. 1103
chonsiklVa (prebendal distrihution), 42, 67,
276, 28(~292,294. 295, 298,332-33,352,
431-3 2 .44 1
Ch'onsim, [2
chonson.5 17
Chonsu kilii. 528
Chon'liigam. Sec Directorate of Medicine
ch on ·un. 975, 976
ch op. 256,583
choryangmok. 942
chorye. 621,626,627,630,684,841, 1140
Choryong (Eird's Peak). See Seje
chosa (accomplished scholars). 127, 1042
chosa (courl offkials), 43
ch 'osallg, 741
chosol, 679, 688
Choson dynasty: class structure, 34-35, 1 [5,
[17-18; early influences, 5-6; early institu-
tions. 14-20: economic policy, 16-17,
29-32,50-59,76; feudal aspects, 3-4;
founding, 25-28; general government poli-
cies, 28; hereditary factionalism, 63-64;
historiography, 3-4; Imjin War, 17-18,
75-91; landownership, 41-46, 64-70; meri-
tocracy, 32-33, 34, 41; military structure,
46-47,75-91; monarchy, 6[-62,63; mon-
etary policies, 53-59; political problems,
61-64.76: taxation. 47-50; trihute, 49-50,
70-75: yangban, 34-4[
Chosoll!ll/lgho, 54-55,58,858
chou, 187,409. 675
Chou, Duke of, 293, 306. 590. 594, 662, 665,
667, 1143
Chou dynasty: economic principles, 996,
1013-14; envoys to, 831; government, 598,

INDEX 1237

612-15, 620, 626-29; hereditary aspects,
43, 116,584,651: impOltance of agricul-
ture, 992; land distribution, 45; local gov-
ernment, 675, 683. 706, 707. 7.:\9; militia
system, 46-47, 89. 405-6; as a model for
Chosonera, 25,45, JI6, 120. 125-31,405,
531-32,612-13,641-43: monetary policy,
879-80,959-60: personnel procedures,
647,655,656,665; prime minister, 595,
655; rank and grade, 837; rituals, 71 I; rul-
ing class, 34, 284; salaries, 836-37, 838,
850; taxation, 290; tribute, 777, 819, 829,
848: well-field system, 44, 69, 278-80,
Chou-fu. 879
Chou-kuan (Choll-li). Sec Rites of Chou
Ch'oyong, 82
Christianity: compared with Confucianism,
123; influence of, 14; persecuted members,
14,385; and slavery, 208-10: and Tasan,
chu (aid), 295
chu (prefecture), 162,677
chll (prefectural school), 162
chll~f{l, 837
Chu-hou, 783, 837
Chu Hsi. 5, 7, II, 12, 15,28,33,34,120,151,
583,1003,1010; on ch'ien and mo. 1071:
on community compacts, 7[2, 716, 718,
729, 735, 753, 112 7; on concept of utility,
150, 154: as district magistrate, 163: on
education, 124-25: on examination system,
143, 144,204: on line cloth. 52; on govern-
ment, 594. 613, 614. 837: on hvangsu sys-
tem, 1088-89: on imperial guards. 452; and
land, 300. 303-4. 325. 330, 388; on limited
field plan. 1075: on local control. 709; on
man's natural goodness, 200; on music,
126; praise for Wang An-shih, 149; on pri-
vate academy, 147; on private property, 278,
279, 286-87; prose style of, 176, 262:
respect for age, 153-54, 178, 190, 197; on
scholars, 177, 188-89; writings used as
curriculum, 182, 183; and village granary
system, 454, 690, 694-95, 699, 700, 701,
Chu Hsi Chung-choll pang-yu, 153
Chu Hsi tseng,slln Ui-shih "siung yiich. 153
chii-jen, 623. 666
Chu-ko Liang. 133. 958
Chu Sebung. 7 I 5
Ch'u, state of. 706
Ch'uan-fu, 879
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