Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1
1238 INDEX

Chuang Kuei, 885
chueh, 836
chugwan-dl1"sill. 871
Ch'ugwan. I I 14
chuho, 419
chuin (agent of provincial governor), 802
chuin (bureau masters in charge of tribute
collection). See chongjuin
chuin (warehousemen), 73,1031
('hujin, 86, 1034
Chujon-dogam. See Directorate of the Mint
chuksun, 810
eh 'ulbvong, 341
eh 'ufs/', 339
ch 'ulsin. 502
chun (kulI). 88.133. 113.532.647,675,676,
68 4,84 6
Chiin (ruler). 837
chun-hsien. 707
chun-shui fa, 307
chiin-IZu. 135
Ch 'un-eh ·ill. See Spring and Autumn Annals
Ch'unch'u'gwan. See Spring and Autumn
Chung Chang-t'ung, 596, 597
Chung-cheng, 133, 134, 135, 140, 141,202,
650 , 1042, 1043
Chung-shu, 598
Chung-shu sheng. See Secretariat
Chung-tsung. Emperor (rang), 692
Chung-t'llng era. 848
Chung-t 'ullg .l'iian-pl1o-ch ao, 898
Chung Yu, 885
chung-wei. IOS4
Ch'ung-chen, 872
Ch'ung-tsai. 543
Chiingbo munizvnbigo, 204,213, 1053, 1061
Ch'ungch'anwi. See Loyal Assistant Guards
Ch'ungch'ong Province, 86, 87, 713; ganisons,
396; grain loans, 554; gunpowder, 524;
military affairs, 503, 521,552; minting,
867, 929; ramie growers, 981; ricc produc-
tion, 109, 833; slavery, 268; taedong sys-
tem, 524, 783, 785, 786, 787-813 passim.
Chungch'ubu, 791. 841. X62
Chungch'ubu Yongsa, 46 I
chiingdiillg. 758
chunggOllg. 155
chunggwallg{IPl1g. 162, 17 I

cizungizl1gye, 755
Chunghak. See Middle School
Ch'unghunbu. See OffIce of Merit SUbjects
chul1ghiing, 486
Chunghwa, 480
chung'in, 33, 245, 629. 68 5, 747, 758, 869,
Chungjong, King. 58, 420, 603; and
commoner status, 225; community com-
pacts, 720, 729, I 126; government, 635,
661.663-64,671,712-13,714; land limita-
tion, 69; merchants, 932; merit subjects,
584; prebends, 66; queens, 62; revenues,
104; taedong system, 772, 778; taxes, 66,
Ch'ungju, 76. 1033
Ch'ungnyol, King, 214, 215. 216, 22 I, 226
Chungnyong. 84
Ch'ungsin, 841
Ch'ungson, King, 30
Ch'ungsuk, King, '46
Ch'ungsunwi. See Loyal and Obedient
Ch'ung'iiiwi. See Loyal and Righteous
Ch'un 'gwan, 1 114
ch 'up '0, 52,54,58,59,862,872,914,926
chusa. See sugun
Ch'uswae-dogam,23 0
Ch'uswaegwan, 230, 258, 268
ch 'ut aI, 179
Chwach'ang, 624, 625
Chwarang, 633. 847
Circulating Treasure of the [Country I East of
the [Yellow] Sea (Haedol1g t'ongbo), 902
Circulating Treasure of the Eastern Country
(Tongguk t'ollgbo),
857,9 10
Circulating Treasure of the K'ai-yiian year
period, 910
Classics licentiate degree. See saengwon
Clerks: bribes, 826, 828; chief clerks (Noksa),
626,627,628-29,841,1140; clerks (Sori),
clothing, 637-38; local clerks, 6R4-86;
personnel clerks (Ibang). 684; post-station
clerks (yoksung). 628, 629,1122; recruit-
ment of, 642; reducing the need for. 835;
responsibilities of, 626-27. 633-35, 642;
and salaries. 626-27. 629. 839-40, 841-45;
tribute clerks, 70, 72-73, 74: and Yu
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