Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1
1242 INDEX

557,562.576.616. 1098; military and sup-
port personnel. 470, 472. Sec also Anti-
Manchu Division; Defense Command;
Forbidden Guard Division; Military Train-
ing Agency: Royal Division
Five Ritual Ceremonies. 71 I
Five Rivers, 981
Five-shu coin, 884-90 passim
Five Wards, 618
Fogel, 209
Forbidden Guard Division (Kumwiyong), 462-
64,47°,47^2 ,4^88 ,497,5°2,5°6,54^1 ,544,
554, 559, 562 , 570, 10 99; commander, 544;
military and support personnel, 470, 472
Forbidden Guard Soldiers (Kumwigun), 94,
Forbidden Guard Special Unit (Kumwi
pyoltae). 462
Forbidden Quarters, 598
Forbidden Soldiers (Kumgun). 455, 458, 462,
489,506, 544· 1093.^110 5-^6
Foreign languages, 623
Foreign trade: with China, 3 I, 856; and copper
cash, 963; in early Choson, 3 I -32; growth
01',856; hindrances to, 901; with Japan,
31-32; under the Mongols, 901; treaty
ports, 31,32
Former Han dynasty, 116,131-32,279,286.
standardization, 32,: taxes. 546
Fortifications, Sec Military
"Four ancestors." 38. 1024
Four Books. 28, 144, 182. 203, 582, 625, 628
Four Schools, 28, 162, 192,485,625,640, 1046
Frederick the Great. 355
Front Regiment, 456
fu (district), 407, 410, 508, 675, 1089
fil (type of poem), 143, 146
Fu (storehouse manager), 626, 837
FuHsUan, 134, 135-36
fu-lao, 739
Fu-ling area, 719
fu-ping (militia system), 46, 407-8, 409-12,
Fu-sheng (commentary), 127
fu-yung, /1,37
Fujiya Kawashima, 747
Fukaya Toshitetsu, 106. 1026, 1029
Funerals, 585-87, 609, 724, 731. 74t, 741

Garrisons, 16,79-80, 81-82,86-88; com-
mandas, 86, 397, 509, 516,617,680-81;

frontier forces, 510: naval, 530, 681, 687;
six garrisons lvukchin), 80; untrained for
fighting, 81, See also chill '"wan (garrison
Gate Guards, 645
General Directorate for Deternlining Taxes, 49
General Directorate to Eliminate Evils, 486
General Directorates (Togam), 479, 618
General Kye Chiefs, 722
Generals (Taejang), 81, 89
Gentry: associations, 677, I 122; established in
Sung China, 116-[7
Geographical Documents, 644
Geomancy, 5, 715
Ginseng, 974, 975
Gogol, Nikolai, 259
Golden Orchid Kye (Kumnan'gye), 730, 733
Good people, See yallglllill
Government: agencies of the Six Ministries
(list), 644-45: bribes, 826: bureaucratic
reorganization, 616-26, 762-67: capital
bureaus, 827, 846: Chinese, 592, 608, 61 I,
612- 1 5,626-43,647-59,67S-77:com-
mercial activities, 624; community com-
pacts, 705-34; documents, 619-20;
expenditures, estimated, 845-47; expendi-
tures, reducing royal, 58 I -90; expenses,
office and travel, 826-35, 9[6-17; irregular
positions, concurrencies, 6'7-18; local
government costs, 832-34; local self-
government, 705-34, 735-67: market
regulation, 624: minting cash, 624, 919-
20: monarch's role, 5')0-94, 602-1 I: offi-
cials and clerks, 613-15, 626-37: personnel
policies, 646-72: poor performance, 632-
37; provincial and local, 673-704: recom-
mendation process, 654-56, 667-69:
salaries, 835-45, 920; State Council and
prime minister, 594-99; warehousing, 624-
25: Yu Hyongwon's proposed new agencies,
620-25, See also Clerks; Examination sys-
tem; Monarchy; Officials; Yangban
Governor's School (Yonghak), 162, 174, 175,
177, 179, 679, 1046
Grain loans, 689-93. See also hwallja
Granaries: Ever-Normal. 431, 644, 684, 690,
691,693-94,696-97,702: expenditures,
estimated, 846: famine relief, 70 I: "Four
Granaries," 43: Left Granary, 43: loans,
689-93,695-700,702-3: maritime trans-
port, 679, 687-89: military provisions, 48,
86,90,455, 521,689: officials, 689, 728;
Right Granary, 43; Righteous Granary, 689,
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