Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

692,693; village granaries, 692, 693-95,
fJ99, 700, 702, 703, 755: village granary
kye, 724-29,743. See also sach 'ang (Chu
Hsi's village granary)
Grand controller of horse, 203, 545
Grand coordinators, 678
Grand Dowager, 715
Grand master of education, 203
Grand master of music, 12fJ
Grand minister of works, fJ78
Grand Physician HalL 644
Grand protectorate, 675, 676
Great Learning, The (Ta-hsiieh), 125, [56,
[82,7 15
Great Northerner faction (Taebuk), 63, 93, 96,
Great Plan (Hung-fan), 838, 863, 879, 884
"Green shoots" system, 454, 693, 695, 696,
Guest expenses, office for, 590

Ha YOn, 71
Ha Yun, 54
hac (chieh), 652
Hacdong chungbo. I 143
Haedong t'ongbo, 902
Haeju, 699,774, 860, 1036
Haeju hyangyak (Haeju Community Com-
pact),699,723-24,728,730, 753
Haeju ilhyang yah-ok, 724,727,728
hacng, I25
hacllgjoll, 840
Hacun p'an'gwan, 688
Haeunsa, 679, 688
Hagwan, [[ [4
Hagyejang, 736
Hahak chillam, 754
haho,4 8 7,493
hain, 725,726, 730, 73 I, 753,759
hakchon, [63
Hakkyo samok (Yu Hyongwon's "Proposals
for Schools"), [62
Hakpin, 163
haksaeng, 469
Hall for Advanced Scholars, or Hall of Chinsa
Degree-holders (Chinsaw()n), 177,625,645
Hall for Inviting the Brave (Yen-ying-yUan),
152,658,1046: (YonyCmgwon), 668, 672
Hall for Respected and Worthy Scholars
(ChClIlhyondang), 163
Hall of Convenience (Pyonjon), 603, 606
Hall of Rectitude (Chongjon), 603
Hall of Slate Affairs (Cheng-shih-t'ang), 598


hal/yanggwall, See hallmng
Hamaguchi Shigckuni, 409, 4 [ [
Hamel, Hendrik, 886, 92 [, 1020

Hamgyong Province (Hamgil Province), 37,
79, 82,433; frontier defense, 450, 508; gold
mining, 49; hired labor, 238, 239, 240, 241,
244: labor service, 49; nothoi, 630-3 [;
tQedong system, R09; trihute, 776, [027
Hamhilng, 73 [, 996
Hamilton, Alexander. 922
halllSQnp '0, 942
Han Changsok, 758
Han Ch'i, 143
Han dynasty: aristocracy, [33, 136: audiences,
605; bureaucratic law, 6ST; ceremonies,
593; currency, 51, 877,g81-83,884,895,
9[3,9[8,940; government, 6T3, 617, 62 9,
647-48,656, 673, 675, 68 I; grain supply,
69 [ ; institutions, 120, 121; landholdings,
44,69, 279, 286-87, 1030; limited-field
system, [010; military system, 406-7,532;
National Academy, '31-32; prime minister,
595; recruitment system, '31-32, 135, 157:
Revolt of the Seven Kingdoms, 675; salaries,
S38, 839, 895: scholars, 177; slavery, 233:
Southern and Northern Armies, 46, 406,
Han Hsien-tsung, 137
Han Hsin, 407
Han Hung'il, 79 [, RfJ2
Han rjo, 938
Han-lin Academy, 597, 598
Han Myonghoe, 65
Han On'gong, 902
Han Paekky6m, '2, 282, 639, 7Ro, 78 [, 782,
8[3, 825
Han River, 73, 88,4[R, 688, to3[, 1[47
H(/I1-shu. See Hislon' oflh~ Han Dynasty
Han Woo-keun, 36,), 572, 85 [-53, [085
Han Wu-ti (Emperor Wu. Former Han), 883
Han Yongguk, 244-45, 246, 796, 80 [, 804,
8 [ l, 812, [ 135
Han Yong'u, 34, 35, 36, 37, 642, 1023-24,
[ 02 9,1117
Han YU, 25, 176,663,945
Han YUan, 614
hangop, 280
han 'in, 45, 293, 296
hanjon""p, 337
hanj6ng, 423,449-50,450-52,458,464,487
hamnin musangjik. 257

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