Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1
1244 INDEX

hanmin myongjon, 286, 287, 894, 1073
hann1llll, 906, 1036
han5"an, 747
Hansan Island. 82
Hansong (Seoul), 30, 44, 55, 78, 79, 82, 83,
453: licensed merchants. 965, 981, 982
Hans6nghu. See Seoul Magistracy
happo. Sec pyongbo
Hats, 637-38. 643, 982
Heavenly Mandate, 1004
heng, 880
"Hereditary officials" (sesin), 65
"Hereditary salaries" (seTok), 65, 301
Hideyoshi. See Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Hindess, Barry, 270
Hiraki Makoto, 248, 249. 266
Hirst. Paul Q., 270
Hishimoto Ch6ji, 364. 365. 366
Historical Repository, 8
Historiography, 3-4
History f!{the Han Dvnasty (Han-shu). 125,

283.^691 ,879
History of the Koryo Dynasty (Koryosa). 212,
History of the Later Han Dynasty (Hou Han-
shu). 132. 139,595.597
Historv o(the Sung Dynasty (Sung-shih), 594
History 'if the rang Dynosty (Tang-shu), 262,
40 7,595,9 10
H6 Chok, 102, 231, 247, 394, 447-64 passim,
1064: on cash, 863. 868. 934; Sillok, 1098;
Southerners. 1103; taedong system,
Ho Hsiu, 739, 1072
H6 Hy6p, 718
H6 Kyun. 460, 464, II0J, 1131
H6 Mok, 7, 457, 459
H6 Pu, 702
H6 Ong, 42
Hoenggan. 71
hoeruk, 565, 690, 1149
Hoeryong, 937
Hoery6ng-gun.75 8 -59
hoesi, 564
Hoeun. Prince, 102
Hoigwi. See Tiger Wing Guards
Hojang, 684, 685
hojok 97, 108. 174.338,396.481
homaemi. 773
Hong Ch'ijung, 935-44. 962

Hong Kugy6ng, 991
Hong Kyehui, 471,563-64
Hong Ky6ngnae, 367, 391. 702
Hong My6ngha. 795, 799, 807, 808, 863
Hong Naks6ng, 991
Hong Ponghan, 8, 250. 566
Hong S6m, 718
Hong Taeyong, 991
hongbOm, 267
Honghwamun, 560
Hongmu chOng'un yokhun. 639
Hongmun ·gwan. See Office of Special Coun-
hongp ae, 228
H6nsa, 219
hopae (household tally). 97, 226, 322, 396,
478 ,480,73^2 ,7^8 4,859.^874
hop '0 (household cloth tax), 473, 481. 483,
Horizontal Ledger (Hoenggan). 7 I
Hi'isaengji'in, 991, 993
hose. 915
Hoso taedonR sam ok, 1134
Hostels, 829-30, 915, 1031
hosu (household head), 4 I 9, 448, 450, 488,
48 9,554
Hou-chu, Emperor (Later Ch'en), 677
Hou Han-shu. See History of the Later Han
Hou-kuo. 656
Household ehief (Hojang). 684
Household registers. See hojok
Household tally system. Sec hop ae
Howich'ong, 94, 1037
Hsi Shen. 134,649
Hsia dynasty, 290, 612
Hsia-shih, 837
Hsia Sung, 1 138
hsiang. 706, 707, 708
h"ioIlR'cheng, 708
hsiang-chiln, 1090
Hsiang pa-hsing, I 128
Hsiang san-wu, 1128
hsiang shih-ta-fu, 203
hsial1g ta-fu, 7 t I, 7 r 6, 735, 739
hsiang-tang, 656
hsiang yin-chou chih Ii, 745
hsiang-yileh, 702
hsiau, J 53
hsiao-chien, 888
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