The Babylonian World (Routledge Worlds)

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47 E.g. Lippussˇ-ia’um, granddaughter of Naramsin: Parrot 1948 , 134 , fig. 32 : g, cf. also
Westenholz 1999 , 72 n. 344 , and possibly p. 73 , fig. 8 : c.
48 Rosengarten 1960 , 245 n. 6 ; Selz 1995 , 103 – 105.
49 Westenholz 1999 , 72 n. 344.
50 Selz 1995 , 298.
51 Visicato 1995 , 129 n. 99.
52 Cooper 1986 , 19 , No. Ki 3. 2.
53 Chiodi 1997 , 47 – 51 , 78 – 80 , 98 – 99.
54 ‘Justice of Nanshe and Ningirsu’, in Gudea’s Statue B, ll. viii: 38 – 40 : Chiodi 1997 , 168.
55 Cf. Chiodi 1997.
56 E.g. Parrot 1948 , 69 – 124 , esp. pp. 77 – 95.
57 Parrot 1948 , Pl. III and p. 74.
58 Rosengarten 1960 , 93 ; Selz 1995 , 178 n. 802 with ref.
59 Parrot 1948 , 120.
60 Steible and Yyldyz 2000 , 986.
61 Martin 1988 , 52 ; Reade 2001 , 24 – 26.
62 For Early Dynastic commerce with Elam cf. Selz 1991 , 37 – 42.
63 Cooper 1986 , 70. No. La 8. 5.
64 Rehm 2003 , 74.
65 Alster 1974.
66 Inscribed cylinder seals: Charvát 1996.
67 Visicato and Westenholz 2000 , 1127 – 1128 ; Martin et al. 2001 , p. xxvii, and pp. 118 – 119
with ref.
68 Martin et al. 2001 , 118 sub a.
69 Boese 1996 , 29 – 31 , n. 32.
70 Martin 1988 , 89.
71 Martin 1988 , 98 – 99.
72 Insofar, of course, as this is not a mathematical exercise (Martin 1988 , 128 ).
73 Martin 1988 , 42 – 47 , 110 – 112.
74 For instance, Dudu for Ningirsu: Cooper 1986 , 68 – 69 , No. La 5. 28 on p. 68.
75 Cooper 1986 , passim, esp. 86 – 89 , Nos. Ma 1. 2 to Ma 5. 3.
76 McAdam 1993 , esp. p. 91.
77 Postgate 1983 , 85 , inscribed miniature jar No. 2 GS: 190 with Fig. 289 , and Pl. VIII: c;
Postgate 1983 , 103 N. 2 GS: 94 , and Pl. X: e.
78 Krebernik 1984.
79 Alster 1974 ; on Fara literary texts cf. also Martin 1988 , 89.
80 Steinkeller 1993 , 119 – 120 , n. 30 and 31 with ref.
81 Though the data base is woefully inadequate: Selz 1995 , 303 – 304.
82 For the evidence of the Hamrin sites, Bergamini et al. 1985 , 58 – 60.
83 Charles and Bogaard 2001 , 309 , 323.
84 For instance, Wilkinson and Tucker 1995 ; Wilkinson 1997 , 121 Fig. 2 for Sweyhat, or
Bernbeck 1997 / 1998 , 462.
85 Miller 1998 , 205.
86 Charles and Bogaard 2001 , 322.
87 Charles and Bogaard 2001 , 313.
88 Fedele 1985 , table on p. 68.
89 Clark 1993 , 181.
90 Clutton-Brock et al. 2001.
91 Bergamini et al. 1985 , ill. on p. 43.
92 Rehm 2003 , passim, esp. pp. 71 – 75 on the frequency of cast-bronze axes in graves, as against
the later part of the third millennium, when they were replaced by cold-hammered ones.
93 Bergamini et al. 1985 , 44.
94 Bergamini et al. 1985 , 44 – 45.
95 Clutton-Brock et al. 2001 , 339 – 345.
96 Selz 1995 , 233 # 65 , Uru’inimgina.

— Social configurations in Early Dynastic Babylonia —
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