The Babylonian World (Routledge Worlds)

(lu) #1

97 On them cf. now Visicato 1995 , 17 , 25 – 26 ; Martin et al. 2001 , 121 n. 40.
98 1999, 156 – 159 with ref.
99 Cf. above, corvée work enforced by the Fara chiefs.
100 Selz 1995 , 56 , reads RU-lugal.
101 Maekawa 1973 – 1974 , esp. p. 110 ; Selz 1995 , 50 – 51.
102 Maekawa 1973 – 1974 , 113 – 114.
103 Selz 1995 , 231 # 55.
104 Cooper 1986 , 70 – 74 , N, La 9. 1 , col. v and following on p. 71 ; Selz 1995 , 235.
105 Dating to the close of the ED III/Agade transition (Cross 1935 , 49 – 56 ).
106 Cross 1935 , Pl. LXXVI: 7 , 11 , 12 , for snake depictions at the Abu Salabikh ED-III Ash Tip
cf. Moon 1993 , 149 , fig. 10 : 3 , No. 794 ; on contemporary snake symbolism cf. Muller 1998 ,
107 Cooper 1986 , 70 – 74 , No. La 9. 1 , col. v and following on p. 71.
108 At ED III Lagash: HAR-tu-mi 2 , Maekawa 1973 – 1974 , 104 n. 36.
109 Selz 1995 , 61 # 122.
110 Hopkins 1997 , fig. on p. 25.
111 Maekawa 1973 – 1974 , 92.
112 Cooper 1986 , 70 – 74 , No. La 9. 1 , p. 74 n. 26.
113 Rosengarten 1960 , 56 n. 1 ; Maekawa 1973 – 1974 , 92 n. 21 ; ibid. 93 n. 23 ; Selz 1995 , 60 ,
sag-sa 10.
114 Rosengarten 1960 , 173 n. 5.
115 Gisˇ-kin-ti (Rosengarten 1960 , 56 n. 1 ; also Selz 1995 , 58 ).
116 Igi-nu-du 8 of the city Az: Rosengarten 1960 , 197 n. 5.
117 Cooper 1986 , 74 – 76 , No. La 9. 2 , col. v and following on p. 75.
118 Cooper 1986 , 85 , No. La 10. 2.


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— Petr Charvát —
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