The Western Mediterranean Kingdoms_ The Struggle for Dominion, 1200-1500

(Tuis.) #1

Other sources for Catalan history include:

D. Kagay, ed. and transl., The Usatges of Barcelona. The funda-
mental law of Catalonia (Philadelphia, 1994).
S. ]ados, The Consulate of the Sea and other documents (Univer-
sity, Alabama, 1975).
T.N. Bisson, Fiscal accounts of Catalonia under the early Count-
Kings (1 151-1213),^2 vols (Berkeley/Los Angeles, 1984).

On relations between different religions see:

H. Maccoby, judaism on Trial. Jewish-Christian disputations in
the Middle Ages (London/Toronto, 1982).
A. Bonner, Select Works of Ramon Llull,^2 vols (Princeton, NJ,
1985; condensed version: Doctor illuminatus. A Ramon Llull
reader, Princeton, NJ, 1993).
Ramon Lull, Blanquerna, transl. E.A. Peers (London, 1923).

Sources for the Angevins in Italy are not widely available
in English. See:
Villani's Chronicle, transl. Rose E. Selfe and ed. P.H. Wicksteed
(London, 1906), which is only a series of oddly chosen
selections. The Decameron of Boccaccio (available in sev-
eral editions and translations) is rich in tales of Angevin

The voices of the rulers themselves may be heard in:

Robert d'Anjou, La vision bienheureuse. Traite envoye au pape
Jean XXII, ed. M. Dykmans (Miscellanea Historiae
Pontificiae, Rome, 1970).
Rene d'Anjou, Le Livre du Cueur d'Amours Espris, illustra-
tions from the Vienna manuscript with commentary by
F. Unterkircher (London, etc., 1975); for the text, S.
Wharton, ed., LeLivredu Cuerd'AmoursEspris (Paris, 1980).

Other valuable sources for this period include:
'Les actions et paroles memorables d'Alphonse roi d'Aragon
et de Naples', transl. and ed. S. Lefevre, in D. Regnier-
Bohler, ed., Splendeurs de la cour de Bourgogne. Recits et
chroniques (Paris, 1995), pp. 630-736.
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