The Western Mediterranean Kingdoms_ The Struggle for Dominion, 1200-1500

(Tuis.) #1

Antonius Panhormita, Liber rerum gestarum Ferdinandi regis,
ed. G. Resta (Palermo, 1968).
Pius II (Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini), Memoirs of a Renaissance
Pope. The Commentaries of Pope Pius II, transl. F.A. Gragg and
ed. L.C. Gabel (New York, 1959), republished as Secret
Memoirs of a Renaissance Pope (London, 1988). [This is an
abridgement from a full translation published previously
in parts in Smith College Studies in History.]
C. Porzio, La congiura dei Baroni (various editions since 1586:
Naples, 1964; Milan, 1965; Venosa, 1989; etc.)

Several texts of interest from a cultural perspective are:

Guglielmo Ebreo of Pesaro, De pratica seu arte tripudii. On the
practice or art of dancing, ed. and transl. B. Sparti (Oxford,
P. Waley, transl. Curial and Guelfa (London, 1982).
D.H. Rosenthal, transl., Tirant lo Blanc (London, 1984).

On the Italian invasions, see:

Johann Burchard, At the Court of the Borgia, being an account
of the reign of Pope Alexander VI written !Jy his Master of Cere-
monies, transl. G. Parker (London, 1963).
F. Guicciardini, History of Italy, translation by C. Grayson, His-
tory of Italy and History of Florence (Chalfont St Giles, 1964),
and by S. Alexander, History of Italy, 2nd ed. (Princeton,
NJ, 1984).


Many of the articles by the author of this book can be found
in one or another of two collections of reprinted essays:

David Abulafia, Italy, Sicily and the Mediterranean, 1100-1400
(London, 1987), and:
David Abulafia, Commerce and Conquest in the Mediterranean,
1100-1500 (Aldershot, 1993). The letters ISM and CCM
have been placed in square brackets after the titles of
items in this Further Reading list which are reprinted in
those volumes.
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