The Western Mediterranean Kingdoms_ The Struggle for Dominion, 1200-1500

(Tuis.) #1

Mediterranean. Studies in honour of David jacoby (London,
1996), pp. 1-13.

On Sardinia see mainly literature in Italian:

F.C. Casula, La Sardegna aragonese,^2 vols (Cagliari, 1990),
and other works by the same author.
]. Day, Sardegna sotto la dominazione pisano-genovese (Turin,
1986), originally published as part of the UTET Storia
d'Italia, ed. G. Galasso.
M. Tangheroni, La citta dell'argento (Naples, 1985).
C. Manca, Aspetti dell'espansione economica catalano-aragonese
nel Mediterraneo occidentale. Il commercio internazionale del sale
(Milan, 1966).

An important study of social conditions within Catalonia is:
P. Freedman, The origins of peasant servitude in medieval Cata-
lonia (Cambridge, 1991).

On cultural developments in the era of Llull see:

]. Hill garth, Lull and Lullism in fourteenth-century France (Ox-
ford, 1971). See also:
M.D. Johnston, The spiritual logic of Ramon Llull (Oxford,
M.D. Johnston, The evangelical rhetoric of Ramon Llull (New
York/ Oxford, 1995).
D. Urvoy, Penser l'Islam. Les presupposes islamiques de l"art' de
Lull (Paris, 1980).
F. Yates, Lull and Bruno, ed. J.B. Trapp and J.N. Hillgarth
(London, 1982), pp. 9-125.
G. Scholem, Major Trends in jewish Mysticism (New York, 1946).
M. Idel, The mystical experience in Abraham Abulafia (Albany,
NY, 1988); Studies in ecstatic Kabbalah (Albany, NY, 1988);
Language, Torah and Hermeneutics in Abraham Abulafia
(Albany, NY, 1989).

Naples, Sicily and Aragon in the fourteenth century

G. Galasso, Il Regno di Napoli. Il Mezzogiorno angioino e aragonese
(1266-1494) (UTET Storia d'Italia, Turin, 1992).
G. Mollat, Les Papes d'Avignon, 1305-1378, lOth edn (Paris,
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