The Western Mediterranean Kingdoms_ The Struggle for Dominion, 1200-1500

(Tuis.) #1

1965); English transl. of earlier edn as The Popes at Avignon
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W. Bowsky, Henry VII in Italy (Lincoln, Nebraska, 1960).
N. Housley, The Avignon papacy and the Crusades, 1305-1378
(Oxford, 1986).
David Abulafia, 'Venice and the Kingdom of Naples in the
last years of King Robert the Wise', Papers of the British
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Company of Florence (Cambridge, 1994).
NJ. Housley, 'Pope Clement V and the crusades of 1309-
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L. Green, Castruccio Castracani. A study on the origins and char-
acter of a fourteenth-century Italian despotism (Oxford, 1986).
David Abulafia, 'Genova Angioina, 1318-35: gli inizi della
Signoria di Roberto re di Napoli', La storia dei Genovesi, vol.

  1. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi sui Ceti Dirigenti
    nelle Istituzioni della Repubblica di Genova, 12a Tornata, Genova,
    11-14 giugno, 1991, part 1 (Genoa, 1994), pp. 15-24.
    D. Wood, Clement VI. The pontificate and ideas of an Avignon
    , pope (Cambridge, 1989).
    E. Leonard, Histoire de Jeanne Jere reine de Naples, romtesse de
    Provence, vol. 3, Le regne de Louis de Tarente (Monaco/Paris,
    ]. Pryor, 'Foreign policy and economic policy: the Angevins
    of Sicily and the economic decline of southern Italy', in
    L.O. Frappell, Principalities, Powers and E:'states. Studies in
    medieval and early modern government and society (Adelaide,
    1980)' pp. 43-55.
    E.R. Labande, 'La politique mediterraneenne de Louis Ier
    d'Anjou et le role qu'y joua la Sardaigne', Atti del VI Con-
    gresso internazionale di studi sardi (Cagliari, 1957), pp. 3-
    23; repr. in E.R. Labande, Histoire de l'Europe occidentale,
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    D'AJ.D. Boulton, The Knights of the Crown. The monarchical
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    (Woodbridge, 1987).

On intellectual developments see:

V. Branca, Boccaccio. The man and his works (Hassocks, Sus-
sex, 1976).
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