The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1


A la nation artésienne (Robespierre), 347
Abbot of Tongerloo, 263, 264
absolutism, 70, 292–93, 285, 334, 345, 368,
493, 702; defense of by Louis XV, 73; “en-
lightened absolutism,” 495n38; royal abso-
lutism, 306, 335, 35, 366
Act of Mediation (1738), 98
Act of Targowica (1792), 441, 441n26
Act of Union of Great Britain and Ireland
(1801), 219, 743
Act of Union (Poland [1789]), 265, 318
Acton, John, 767, 860
Adams, John, 38, 121, 167n11, 188, 245, 408,
362, 366, 41, 467, 518, 592, 670, 758; argu-
ments of in defense of the U.S. Constitu-
tion, 369, 466–67; beliefs concerning the
rich and elites, 206; creation of the Navy
Department by, 767; criticism of the Soci-
ety of the Cincinnati, 201; election of as
president, 764, 766; on the failure of a con-
stitution, 325n34; on the meaning of
America, 144; as minister to France, 188;
opinion of Mably, 202–3, 202n45; on Po-
land, 772; policy of government neutrality,
772; as primary author of the Massachu-
setts constitution and its preamble, 165,
167, 170, 173; reasons of for advocating
upper and lower chambers of government,
45; rejection of the rule of the British Par-
liament over the American colonies, 119;
on religion and the founding fathers, 120;
skepticism of, 467; on the upper classes, 758
Adams, John Quincy, 141, 179, 255n22, 771;
on the American and French Revolutions,

Adams, Samuel, 128
Address to the Netherlands People, An (Van der
Capellen), 247–48
Adet, Pierre, 572, 752, 765
administrative inefficiency, in the bourgeoisie
and the aristocracy, 58
Advice to the People of Piedmont (Barlow),
Advice to the Privileged Orders (Barlow), 420
affaire de Bretagne, 70–71
Affaires de l ’Angleterre et de l ’Amérique, 186,
Africa, 10
Age of the Democratic Revolution, 6, 138, 791
Age of Enlightenment, 142; influence of the
American Revolution on, 178; liberalism
of, 142
Age of Reason (Paine), 641, 769
Alba, 520, 574, 584
Alexander, William, 144
Alexander I (emperor of Russia), 46, 479, 480
Alfieri, Vittorio, 177
Alien Act (1798), 18, 767
Alien and Sedition Acts, 16, 768, 773
Allen, Ira, 752
Alliance between Church and State (Warbur-
ton), 49
Allobrogian Legion, 416, 417
Alsace, 115, 273–74
Alvarez, Francisco, 179
America. See British America; British Amer-
ica, before the American Revolution;
United States
American federal constitution, 21, 171, 173,
174, 197, 198, 265, 376; Edmund Burke’s
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