The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

Index 841

Maréchal, Sylvain, 548, 553, 554, 597, 610
Margorot, Maurice, deportation of, 720, 724
Maria Carolina (queen of Naples), 656, 782
Maria Theresa (empress of the Hapsburg Em-
pire), 61, 78, 80, 93, 113, 114, 215; attempts
of to alleviate the plight of serfs, 280; pro-
posals of to pay war debts and to maintain
a standing army, 81
Marie Antoinette, 253, 254, 269, 300, 301; and
the Diamond Necklace affair, 339, 783; ex-
ecution of, 457; public perception of, 339
Marie Christine, 266
Marion, M., 74
Markov, Walter, 694
Marmontel, Jean- François, 196
Marquis d’Argenson, 14, 66; disgust of with
the Bourbon monarchy, 67
Marquis of Buckingham, 728; on the action of
English generals in Ireland, 743
Marquis de Condorcet, 187, 201, 207, 209–11,
480, 553, 795; on American values, 350;
disapproval of the U.S. Constitution, 201,
276, 367; flight of from Paris, 456; on in-
equality in England, 29; on the recognition
of natural rights in America, 209
Marquis of Rockingham, 111, 122–23, 125,
130, 222; death of, 232
Marquis de Sillery, 367
Marquis de Tilly, 583
Martini, Karl Anton, 78, 80
“Martinists,” 478, 481
Martinovicz, Ignaz, conspiracy of, 627
Marx, Karl, 10, 11, 552–55; on the French
Revolution, 328
Marxism, 313, 314, 407, 547
Maryland, 146
Mason, George, 168, 172
Masonic lodges, 414, 479, 481, 483, 490, 561
Massachusetts, 40, 114–15, 127, 128; constitu-
tion of, 163–77, 169–70n17; General Court
of, 159; ratification of the constitution,
170–71, 170–71n19
Massachusetts Constitutional Society, 762
Massachusetts Government Act (1774), 131–
33; as an amendment to the Massachusetts
Charter, 132; purposes of, 133; repeal of,
132, 156
Masséna, André, 652, 677, 683, 785–86, 789
Mather, Joseph, 718
Mathiez, Albert, 476

Maupeou, René Augustin de, 19, 73–75, 104,
215, 231; reforms of in France, 260
Maury, Jean- Sifrein (Abbé Maury), 366, 379–
84, 402, 432, 496, 658, 779; instructions of
to Pope Pius VI concerning the restoration
in France, 380; on the “revolutionary conta-
gion,” 658n29
Mauvillon, Jakob, 194
May Edicts, 340, 342; reaction of the clergy
to, 345; reactions in France to, 340, 349
Mazzei, Philip, 184, 188, 190, 16, 198, 201,
209, 210, 571; as agent for Stanislas I, 316;
political and diplomatic career of, 247
McCartney, George, 528, 538
McLane, David, 562n41, 752; execution of,
562, 752
Mealmaker, George, 723
Melville, Thomas, 766
Melzi d’Eril, Francesco, 609, 654
Mémoires pour servir à l ’histoire du jacobinisme
(Barruel), 560
Mencken, A. L., 61, 699
Mennonites, 509
Menschenvriend (Paulus), 511
Methodism/Methodists, 239, 640, 715
Metternich, Matthias, 695, 696
Middle Ages, the, 13, 23, 24, 250, 257, 290,
426, 460, 509
Middlesex elections, controversy concerning,
Milan, 19, 29, 79–81, 179, 257, 288, 551, 558,
776; book burning in, 784; conflict with the
Hapsburg Empire, 64, 78; democracy in,
17; occupation of by the French, 645, 652;
patricians of, 53; patriotism in, 653; popular
club at, 604, 610; war of with France,
Milton, John, 713
Mirabeau. See Count de Mirabeau
Miranda, Francisco de, 418, 419
Modena, 579
modernization, 52, 82, 226, 570, 702
Moldavia, 502
Molyneux, William, 124
Momoro, Antoine- François, 459; death of,
monarchy/monarchism, 6, 13, 15, 17 22, 32;
constitutional monarchy, 345, 585; exam-
ples of enlightened monarchy, 104, 113,
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