The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

840 Index

Letters of Junius, 109, 222
Letters on a Regicide Peace (E. Burke), 539,
Lettre à d ’Alembert sur les spectacles (Rousseau),
Lettres écrites de la champagne (Tronchin),
L’Europe et la Révolution françise (Sorel), 9
Levasseur, Therese, 85
“levée en masse,” 728–34
Levellers, 707, 711, 730–32
Lewis, Bernard, 620
liberalism, 180, 267; aristocratic liberalism,
757; in Germany, 686
Liège, 372; revolution in, 263, 263n38
Ligurian Republic, 387, 394
Linguet, Simon- Nicholas Henri, 195
Lisle, Rouget de, 274, 381
Livingston, William, 210, 212
Locke, John, 25, 290
Lombardy, 17, 114, 286, 388, 591, 593, 596
London, 397; riots in, 226
London Constitutional Whigs and Friends of
the People, 722
London Corresponding Society, 128, 227, 393,
720–24, 726; decline in membership of,
727; proscription and demise of, 727
Longwy, surrender of, 406
Loosjes, Adriaan, 177, 189
Lord, Robert, 445
Lord Auckland, 413, 615, 728, 729, 731, 744
Lord Braxfield, 723
Lord Castlereagh, 229
Lord Hawkesbury, 615
Lord Mornington, 615. 726; treaty of with the
Nizam of Hyderabad, 611n41
Louis, Prince of Condé, 558
Louis XIV (king of France), 43, 58, 65, 118,
135, 327, 341–43
Louis XV (king of France), 67, 72, 113, 114,
126, 135; death of, 75; decision of to end
parlementary opposition, 73; defense of ab-
solutism/sovereignty by, 72, 90, 02; on the
Parlement of Paris, 71; reactivation of the
Grand Conseil by, 73; reform efforts of, 74
Louis XVI (king of France), 14, 75, 185, 212,
243, 252, 263, 269, 300, 322, 358, 382–83;
arrest of, 301; execution of, 15, 435–36,
448; reaction to the execution of, 467, 556,
657; safety of, 383; trial of, 377; view of the

parlements as an “aristocracy of magis-
trates,” 340; wish of to be a “good king,”
Louis XVIII (king of France), 332, 397, 487,
548; moderation of his political views, 779;
and Pope Pius VI, 539–40, 539–40n15
Louise (queen of Prussia), 381
Lousse, E., 23, 24, 41, 44
l’Ouverture, Toussaint, 623. 749
Luc, J. A. de, 84, 98, 99, 105
Lucas, Charles, 124
Luzac, John, 188, 245, 768
Lyon, 32

Maastricht, 435, 436; annexation of by the
French, 516
Mably, Gabriel Bonnot de, 188, 190, 201–2,
202n45, 203, 309, 210; positive view of the
separation of powers, 203; views on the ar-
istocracy, 203; views on the government of
the United States, 202–3
Macaulay, Catherine, 144
Mack, Karl, 654, 677
Mackintosh, James, 323
Madison, James, 142, 358, 415, 416, 571, 759,
761, 758
Magyars, 281, 288, 292–94, 298, 303; Magyar
nobility, 292
Mainz, 693; occupation of, 695
Mainz Commune, 685
Maistre, Joseph de, 396, 470, 540
Malesherbes, Guillaumé- Chrétien, 65
Mallet du Pan, Louis, 89, 186, 271, 322, 379,
397, 399, 401, 557, 626, 682, 717, 732, 770,
778–82, 791; as editor of the British Mer-
cury, 682, 732, 84; on equality of wealth,
542; manifesto of, 399, 401, 557; modera-
tion of, 242, 542n23, 778; on the War of
the Second Coalition, 777
Malouet, Pierre Victor, 356,355, 397, 514,
541, 542n24, 543. 559, 778
Malthus, Thomas Robert, 733
Manchester Constitution Society, 722
Manchester Reformation Society, 722
Mangourit, Michel Ange Bernard, 621
Manifesto of the Equals, 547
Manin, Ludovico, 600
Mantua, 604
Marat, Jean- Paul, 408, 436; assassination of,
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