The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

Index 843

Charter of the Nobility (1785); France, the
aristocrat revolt (révolte nobiliaire) in; Po-
land, nobility/aristocracy in
Noël, François, 518–23, 529
Nordamerikfi und Democratic (Schmohl), 200
Normandy, 301
North, Frederick (Lord North), 108, 11, 128,
130, 133; belated attempts to compromise
with America during the Revolution, 158;
policy of toward Ireland, 218–19; views on
the government of Massachusetts, 133
North Briton, 125–26; suppression of, 125–26
North Carolina, 147–48; constitution of, 163
Norway, 300
Norwich, 32
Norwich Revolution Society, 722
Notes on Virginia ( Jefferson), 188, 208
Nottingham, 224
Nouvelle Héloise (Rousseau), 87, 90
Novikov, N. I., 479, 481

Oath of the Horatii, The (1785), 191
Oberlin, J. F., 671
Oberlin, Viktor, 681
Observations on Civil Liberty (Price), 135,
Observations sur la Virginie (Morellet), 208
Ochs, Peter, 16, 180, 199, 269, 272, 561, 645,
664, 676, 678, 680, 787; connections of to
France, 671–74; correspondence of, 272–
74, 272n61; as member of the Helvetic Di-
rectory, 671; objections to French interven-
tion in Switzerland, 680–82; and the Swiss
constitution, 664
O’Coigly, James, 621
Octennial Act (1768), 124, 218
October Days (1789), 370, 371
Ode to Joy (Schiller), 699
Odell, Jonathan, 142
Ogden, David, 153
Old Regime, 23, 95, 507; “orders” under, 23
Oliver, Andrew, 121
O’Moran, James, 464
Ondaatje, Philip Juriaan Quint, 250 251, 255,
One and Indivisible Club, 510, 525
Opiz, J. F., 493
“orders/estates,” 23; concept of, 23. See also
Geburtsstand (estate determined by birth)
Oswald, John, 416

Ottoman Empire, 7, 502, 503, 572, 620
Owen, Robert, 717
Oxford University, 37

Padua, 187, 584, 581, 593
Paine, Thomas, 17–18, 52, 114, 118, 148, 311,
321, 415, 416, 420, 426, 464, 768,769; bib-
lical echoes in the writings of, 638; dona-
tion of to the Society for Constitutional
Information, 720; escape to France after his
indictment, 718; as an honorary French cit-
izen, 415
Paix perpetuelle avec les pois (Buonarroti),
Palermo, 581, 584, 654, 656
Paley, William, 717
Palmer, Elihu, 637, 769, 773
Palmer, Thomas Fyshe, 640, 723; deportation
of, 723
Pantheon Club, 347, 569, 574, 788
Papacy, conflict with the Jansenists, 43
Papal States, the, 17, 96, 565, 583, 591, 597;
discontent and disorder in, 597, 598
Papers of Thomas Jefferson (ed. Boyd), 6
Parallel between the English Government and
the Former Government of Sweden (De-
lolme), 109
Pares, Richard, 111–12, 128
Paris, 460, 461, 464; Belgians in, 463; debase-
ment of moral tone in, 531; foreign revolu-
tionaries in, 465; Polish exiles in, 572; po-
litical hooliganism of youth in, 532; view of
world revolution in, 535. See also Paris
Commune; Paris Cordeliers; Parlement of
Paris Commune, 462, 463
Paris Cordeliers, 451
Parlement of Aix, 73, 343
Parlement of Bordeaux, 71
Parlement of Dauphiny, 35, 59
Parlement of Dijon, 71
Parlement of Grenoble, 35, 59, 60, 68, 69, 71,
73, 344, 355
Parlement of Paris, 35 43, 47, 60, 67, 68, 74,
79, 89, 102, 104, 237n35; average age of the
members of (1789), 334; defense of craft
gilds and trade associations by, 336; on the
first rule of justice, 335; income of the
members of, 334; role of the quasi-
revolution in France, 67, 69–71, 75; support
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