The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

Index 853

Washington, George, 8, 148, 156, 157, 623;
Farewell Address of, 765; as an honorary
French citizen, 415; issuing of the Procla-
mation of Neutrality by, 760
Watt, James, Jr., 382, 730, 731
Webster, Noah, 378, 399, 731
Wedekind, G. C., 695, 696
Weimar Republic, 27
Weishaupt, Adam, 563, 563n43, 688
Wekhrlin, Wilhelm Ludwig, 195
Wentworth, John, 39
West Indies, 243, 259
Western Civilization, 3, 6, 18, 25, 70, 306, 317,
701; effect of the American Revolution on,
139; revolution of, 7–13
Western Europe, 53, 240, 240, 289, 309, 441,
617; politicization of, 626–27
Westminster Committee, 275
Whig Club of Dundee, 719
Whigs/Whig Party, 25, 43, 60n31, 108, 123,
125, 27, 130, 175–76; and the adoption of
Burke’s bill for economic reform, 226; be-
lief of in Parliament as the proper seat of
sovereignty for the British Empire, 91, 147;
and Burke’s classic statement regarding
Old Whiggery, 129; Chathamite Whigs,
230; disintegration of, 714; disputes of with
radicals, 225; Foxite Whigs, 729; Irish
Whigs, 220; “near revolution” of, 227;
Newcastle Whigs, 122; Old Whigs, 113;
opposition of to the Massachusetts Gov-
ernment Act, 131; Pittite Whigs, 125; and
the recognition of American indepen-
dence, 107; Rockingham Whigs, 123, 128–
30, 134; service of in the cabinet of George
III, 128
White Russia, 310, 425
Wickham, William, 538, 557, 558, 677, 683
Wieland, Christoph Martin, 195, 700
Wiener Zeitschrift, 495, 706
Wilberforce, William, 415
Wilkes, John, 124, 125; exile in France, 165;

expulsion of by the House of Commons,
126; as the hero of London, 126; on parlia-
mentary reform and the restoration of
American rights, 135; return to England,
146; supporters of, 126
Wilkinson, John, 716, 730
William I (king of the Netherlands), 510, 11,
514, 779
William II (king of the Netherlands), 243
William III (king of the Netherlands), 243
William IV (king of the Netherlands), 243
William V (stadtholder of the Netherlands),
243–45, 247, 2501, 252, 256n25, 508, 513–
2n25, 508, 513; attempts of to restore the
constitution, 247; as an oligarch, 252
Williams, David, 415
Wilson, Alexander, 718
Windham, William, 726, 727
Witherspoon, John, 142
Wolcott, Oliver, 761
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 717
Wordsworth, William, 74, 392, 600, 713, 717,
Worship of Reason, 144, 459, 462, 469
Worship of the Supreme Being celebration/
festival, 969; lasting effects of, 469–70
Württemberg, 3, 11, 36, 572; comparison of to
England, 31; diet of, 31; Estates of, 31
Wyvil, Christopher, 222–24

XYZ affair, 616, 770

Yorkshire Association, 128
Young, Arthur, 126

Zaghi, Carlo, 609n38, 643, 646
Zamboni, Luigi, 583, 59, 587n15
Zimmerman, J. G. R., 49, 707
Zug, canton of, 664
Zurich, 96, 645, 663–67; revolts in, 675; and
the Stäfa affair, 673
Zurlo, Giuseppe Capece, 657, 660
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